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Land Between the Waters Bibliography


Eastern Illinois University

Charleston, Illinois


Coles County



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Suggested Books:

Alvord, Clarence Walworth. The American West: The Illinois Country, 1673-1818. Chicago:  Loyola University Press, 1922. 

Alvord's work should not be overlooked.  Alvord utilized exhaustive resources constructing this history of  Illinois.  Much of Alvord's work refers to Reuben Gold Twaites Jesuit Relations and sheds an interesting perspective on French Illinois history.

Balesi, Charles J. The Time of the French in the Heart of North America, 1673-1818.  Chicago:  Alliance Francaise Chicago, 1991.

Dr. Balesi utilized the French Marine Departments archives, among many other sources, to construct an excellent interpretation of French history.

Peyser, Joseph L., ed. and tr. On the Eve of the Conquest:  The Chevalier De Raymond's Critique of New France in 1754. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press and Mackinac State Historic Parks, 1997.

Joseph Peyser's translation of Chevalier de Raymonds journal sheds much needed information on French history during the French and Indian War.  Information within the book illuminate the Illinois trade network and the expanse of the trade.

Pease, theodore Calvin, ed. Anglo-French Boundary Disputes in the West, 1749-1763;  vol. 27.  Springfield, IL: Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library, 1936.

Pease provides an excellent overview of the political and diplomatic conditions that led to the French and Indian War. French documents are provided with corresponding English translations.

________, and Werner, Raymond C., eds.  The French Foundations, 1680-1693;  vol. 23.  Springfield, IL: Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library, 1934.

French documents presented in the original French text with English translations. This volume contains one of the best early descriptions of the Illinois Indians.

________, and Jenison, Ernestine, eds.  Illinois on the Eve of the Seven Years' War, 1747-1755;  vol. 29.  Springfield: Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library, 1940.

Documents presented in the original French with English translations.  This volume presents the mentality of the Illinois people and solders who supported the French cause in the French and Indian War.  The documents show the dedication the Illinois country exhibited to maintain the French cause.

Thwaites, Reuben Gold. France in America, 1497-1763. New York: Haskell House Publishers, Ltd., 1969.

Thwaites book presents an excellent overview of French history in North America.  This book, first published in 1905, remains a classic on North American French history.

________.  ed.  The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents:  Travels and Explorations of the Jesuit Missionaries in New France, 1610-1791 . . . 73 vols.  Cleveland:  Burrows Brothers, 1896-1901.

Thwaites work remains a very good source on translated French documents relating to the work of the Jesuits.  Many references to the Illinois country and Illinois Native Americans.

Journal Articles:

Belting, Natalia Maree. "The French Villages of the Illinois Country." The Canadian Historical Review 24 (March 1943): 14-23.

A terse overview on the French villages of the Illinois country, based on original documents.

Briggs, Winstanley.  "Le Pays Des Illinois."  The William and Mary Quarterly 47 (January 1990):  30-56.

Briggs's article focuses on the Illinois socio-political community structures.  Brigg concludes that the French of the Illinois country functioned as a republic and French absolutism failed to exert political control.

Desbarets, Catherine M.  "the Cost of Early Canada's Native Alliances:  Reality and Scarcity's Rhetoric."  The William and Mary Quarterly 52 (October 1995): 609-630.

To understand the interactions of Native Americans and Europeans, one must understand the the consequences of the Alliance system.  This article presents the associated problems and costs accumulated by a colony in forming the French/Indian alliances.  Using Native Americans as a mercenary military element, contributed to Canada's debt but, in effect cost much less than the use of European solders.

Dowd, Gregory Evans.  "The French King Wakes Up in Detroit: 'Pontiac's War' in Rumor and History."  Ethnohistory  37 (Number 3, 1990): 254-278.

Pontiac's War affected the history of the Illinois country.  Much intrigue and divided loyalties clouded the Pays des Illinois.  Dowd writes of the rumors of the French King's return and the effect this had on Pontiac's War.  Pontiac's Rebellion colored Illinois history, for it must be remembered that an Illinois Indian assassinated Pontiac at Cahokia.

McDermott, Douglas C.  "The Poverty of the Illinois French." The Illinois State Historical Society 27 (April 1943 January 1935): 195-201.

McDermott destroys the myth that the Illinois habitants existed as lazy, poor wretches. McDermott presents evidence on the wealth the Illinois habitants possessed.

Parameter, Jon William.  "Pontiac's War:  Forging New Links in the Anglo-Iroquois Covenant Chain, 1758-1766."  Ethane-history 44 (Number 4, 1997): 617-654.

Parameter shows how Pontiac's War changed the nature of the Alongonquin/Iroquoan/English interactions.  The article revolves on Richard White's "middle ground" thesis.




Coureur de Bois

