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City Directories: Occupations


Eastern Illinois University

Charleston, Illinois


Coles County



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Directories often list the occupation of an individual after their name. This aids researchers by allowing them to trace the work history of an individual, determine the most common jobs, and determine whether or not most workers lived close to their place of employment.


Scroll down for activities related to these directory pages


 charleston directory 1960 p2

Mattoon Directory 1960 


charleston directory 1966 p1

charleston directory 1966 p2

Mattoon Directory 1966


Look at the two city directories shown above. Answer the following questions based on the information you see in the directories. For the 1960 directory, use the entries between Jas. E. Johnson and Ledora Jones. For the 1966 directory, use the entries between James E. Johnson and Ledora Jones.


1) How many people worked in the following occupations during 1960 and 1966?


*asmblr (assembler):

*mach (machinist):

*cash (cashier):

*slsmn (salesman):

*insp (inspector):

*retd (retired):


2) How many people worked at the same job in 1966 that they worked at in 1960?

3) List the number of people who worked at General Electric Company in 1960, then list the number who worked at General Electric Company in 1966.

4) Which individuals worked for General Electric Company during both years?

5) Who did not work for General Electric Company in 1960, but worked for them in 1966?


