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CCLHP: The Documents


Eastern Illinois University

Charleston, Illinois


Coles County



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CCLHP- Documents


The focus of the Coles County Legal History Project (CCLHP) is on 19th-century legal records, most of which are housed at the Illinois Regional Archives Depository (IRAD) at Booth Library of Eastern Illinois University. Eastern Illinois' IRAD, ch holds records from the following counties: Coles, Edgar, Douglas, Moultrie, Shelby, Cumberland, Clark, Effingham, Jasper, Clay, Crawford, Richland, Lawrence, Wayne, Edwards, and Wabash. While the CCLHP is currently focusing on criminal and civil cases, 1830-1899, other types of records housed at IRAD include: jail registries, birth, marriage, and death registries, land records, and naturalization papers.


The following documents illustrate the sources analyzed for the CCLHP. Most of the early 19th-century documents are handwritten. But, even by the 1860s, there are numerous printed forms. We have selected the latter, where possible, for legibility on the web.

  • 1865, fees for defendant

  • 1865, fees for plaintiff (same case)

  • 1865, declaration of case (printed form) [note:  most information for the database derived from the declaration of each case]

  • 1865, mechanic's lien, "Exhibit A" (part)

  • 1866, notice of writ of attachment published in Charleston Plain Dealer

  • 1866, notice of writ of attachment published in Charleston Plain Dealer (another example)

defendants fee bill, 1865, case no. 491
1865, fees for defendant
plaintiff's fees, 1865, case no. 491
1865, fees for plaintiff (same case) 

declaration, 1865, case no. 506
1865, declaration of case (printed form) [note:  most information for the database derived from the declaration of each case] 

mechanic's lien (part) 1865, case no. 522
1865, mechanic's lien, "Exhibit A" (part) 

from Charleston Plain Dealer (1866), case no. 594
1866, notice of writ of attachment published in Charleston Plain Dealer 

Charleston Plain Dealer (1866), case no. 613
1866, notice of writ of attachment published in Charleston Plain Dealer (another example) 

