Current (and incoming freshman) students at Eastern Illinois University can apply for several scholarships that are administered through the Pine Honors College. Since not all of these scholarships require you to be an Honors student, please review the criteria and strict deadline associated with each scholarship.
Scholarship Name | Must be in Honors? University, General, or Departmental Honors |
University Standing During Award Period All scholarships are for EIU undergraduates only |
Requirements All applications require a résumé that highlights extracurricular activities and achievements, and participation in undergraduate research, performance, and service to the community. Submit document in Word or PDF format, labeled "Last name First name Résumé Year." |
Apply at AcademicWorks All applications are due March 15, 2024, unless otherwise noted. |
Dorothy Davis Bunge | Yes | Incoming freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors |
Academic Works |
First Neighbor Bank | Yes | Sophomores, juniors, and seniors |
Academic Works |
Herbert Lasky Outstanding Graduating Senior in Honors | Yes | Graduating seniors and recent graduates (in the previous December) |
Academic Works |
Honors Award for Incoming Freshmen | Yes | Incoming freshmen | For information about this award, see | Academic Works |
Honors Study Abroad | Yes | Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors |
Three deadlines for summer, fall, and spring study abroad: Study Abroad |
Honors Transfer Student Award | Yes | Sophomores, juniors, and seniors |
Academic Works |
Presidential and Pemberton Presidential Scholar Award for Incoming Freshmen | Yes | Incoming freshmen | For information about this award, see | Due: Jan. 12, 2024 Academic Works |
President Doudna Memorial | No | Incoming freshmen |
Academic Works |
Rachael Richardson | Yes | Incoming freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors |
Academic Works |
Sandra and Jack Pine | Yes | Incoming freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors |
Academic Works |
Margaret Schmidt | No | Incoming freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors |
Academic Works |
John Whisnand | No | Incoming freshmen, sophomores, and juniors |
Academic Works |
URSCA: Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Award | No | Sophomores, juniors, and seniors |
Three deadlines for summer, fall, and spring URSCA projects. |
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