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EIU School of Extended Learning

Meet The Advisory Council

2024 - 2025

"Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world."
Margaret Mead


Judy Brown

Judy Brown - Chair

Dr. Rich Wandling

Dr. Rich Wandling - Chair-Elect





Brenda Crimmins

Brenda Crimmins





Shelley Crouch

Shelley Crouch





Roxanne Frey
Roxanne Frey

Chris Houchens
(Former Chair)

Chris Houchens - Former Chair





Al Joyner
Al Joyner




Michael Murphy
(Former Chair)
Michael Murphy - Former Chair





Alice Shonk
Alice Shonk


Ann Spear

Ann Spear





Carolyn Stephens

Carolyn Stephens





Jamie Willis

Jamie Willis





If you are interested in becoming an Advisory Council member, please contact us.

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Contact Information

School of Extended Learning

600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-5114

Academy of Lifelong Learning

600 Lincoln Avenue, Buzzard Hall Room 1328
(217) 581-7415

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