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EIU Student Affairs



2024 Student Affairs Retreat

Tuesday- May 07


8:30 – 9am    Check-in & Welcome- Doudna Concourse

9:00 – 9:05am   Welcome: President Gatrell- Recital Hall 

9:05 – 10:05am       Leadership Keynote: Dave Closson “Resilience Reframed: Harnessing Combat Grit for College Success- Recital Hall

10:15 – 11:15am                Session 1

Beyond Insurance…Utilizing the Benefits of EIU Employment and Preparing for Retirement led by Amie Calvert, Amanda Repp, and Lori Kern (Virtual SURS Representative)- Lecture Hall, Room 1210

The first half of this session will provide an overview of the unique benefits of being an EIU employee (the Employee Assistance Program for support during difficult times, tuition waiver for employees and dependents, employee discounts and more). The second half will provide a brief overview of the State Universities Retirement System (SURS) and basic information to consider for retirement planning.

Empathetic Resilience: Nurturing Strength & Deepening Connections led by Dave Closson- Band Room, Room 1550

Resilience is not just an individual endeavor; it’s fortified by our connections with others. Drawing from the principles of our keynote on resilience, this workshop delves into the profound ‘Heard, Seen, Respected’ (HSR) approach. By enhancing our empathetic listening skills and forging genuine connections, we build a shared resilience, allowing both ourselves and others to better navigate challenges.  In understanding and practicing HSR, participants will discover how empathy can serve as a cornerstone to resilience – providing a wellspring of strength, fostering deeper trust, and promoting more meaningful interactions.  Join to reinforce your resilience framework by adding the powerful tool of empathetic connection. 

Gentle Yoga Flow led by Raven- Black Box, Room 1090

We will start the class with a gentle warm-up to prepare our bodies for the practice ahead. From there, we will work through a series of standing, seated, and balancing postures, focusing on alignment and mindful movement. Throughout the class, we will emphasize the importance of breath, using it to deepen our stretches and find ease in challenging poses. Whether you are a seasoned yogi or new to the practice, there will be modifications available to ensure that everyone can participate and benefit from the class. I look forward to sharing this practice with you and cultivating a sense of peace and presence on the mat.

11:20 – 12:20pm               Session 2

Positive Moves in a Negative World led by John Marr- Lecture Hall, Room 1210

Recognize what you do, acknowledge what you can change, and possibly learn something in the process. This interactive session may give you some new ideas and a few smiles along the way.

Mapping Your Resilience Journey: From Past Lessons to Future Triumphs led by Dave Closson- Band Room, Room 1550

Every individual’s journey is a rich tapestry woven with stories of past struggles, present endeavors and, future aspirations. In this transformative session, participants will embark on a reflective journey through the corridors of their own Past, Present, and Future.  By understanding where we’ve been, recognizing where we stand, and visualizing where we aim to be, we can harness the power of our experiences to craft a purposeful path forward. Following this introspective exploration, attendees will transition into drafting a personal action plan, distilling insights from their life’s timeline to lay down tangible, actionable steps for a resilient future. Join us and turn your life’s lessons into a robust roadmap for success.

Sound Meditation led by Raven- Black Box, Room 1090

Sound Meditation is a powerful practice that can help to calm your mind, reduce stress, and improve your overall well-being. During the session, you will be surrounded by the soothing sounds of various instruments, such as singing bowls, gongs, and chimes. These sounds work to slow down your brain waves, leading you into a state of deep relaxation and inner peace.

12:20 – 1:15pm                 LUNCH- Doudna Concourse         

1:15 – 2:15pm                  Session 3

Building Resilient Communities: Diversity and Resilience in Higher Education led by John Blue- Lecture Hall, Room 1210

This session will explore how diversity and resilience intersect in the context of higher education, and the importance of fostering inclusive environments for all members of our community.

Crafting Your Personal Resiliency Toolbox: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Empowerment led by Dave Closson- Band Room, Room 1550

Eastern Illinois University boasts a unique and diverse student population, each with their own set of aspirations, challenges, and strengths. In this pivotal workshop, we aim to equip student affairs professionals with a robust, tailored approach to student support. Drawing from the combat-inspired resilience strategies presented in the keynote, and tapping into the rich experiences of EIU’s dedicated professionals, participants will collaboratively build “The EIU Resilience Toolbox.” This comprehensive framework is designed to address the vast spectrum of student challenges encountered at EIU, positioning professionals to recognize, bolster, and champion student resilience effectively.  Join us in this collective endeavor to mold a resilient and supportive EIU community.

Sound Meditation led by Raven- Black Box, Room 1090

Sound Meditation is a powerful practice that can help to calm your mind, reduce stress, and improve your overall well-being. During the session, you will be surrounded by the soothing sounds of various instruments, such as singing bowls, gongs, and chimes. These sounds work to slow down your brain waves, leading you into a state of deep relaxation and inner peace.

2:20 – 4:30pm                  Community Building

Trivia- South Reading Room 4th Floor, Booth Library

Bowling- Bowling Lanes, MLK Jr. University Union

Pickleball- McAfee Gym

Disc Golf- Meet in Doudna Concourse to Walk to Course

Board Games- Doudna Concourse



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Contact Information

Anne G. Flaherty, Ph.D.
Vice President for Student Affairs

1031 Old Main
600 Lincoln Ave
Charleston, IL 61920

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