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EIU Department of Psychology

93%of the senior psychology majors
evaluated by faculty were judged to be
competent in their critical thinking skills.

The Department of Psychology emphasizes the scientific study of behavioral, affective, and cognitive processes and their application to real-world issues by engaging students in integrative learning experiences such as undergraduate and graduate research, internships, and enhanced classroom experiences.

Faculty excellence in areas of teaching, research, and service provides the context for collaborative student-centered learning experiences that promote inclusion and diverse perspectives. The department's curriculum furthers the development of students' critical thinking, communication skills, research skills, quantitative reasoning, and ethical behavior in preparation for responsible citizenship, careers, graduate study, and lifelong learning.

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Why Choose EIU for Psychology

Undergraduate Research

Numerous opportunities exist for psychology students to earn credit towards the major and graduation by assisting faculty members in various phases of research including library research, data collection, data entry, and data analyses. Advanced students are encouraged to conduct their own research project under the direction of a psychology faculty member.

Undergraduate Internships

The undergraduate internship program in psychology involves preparation for and completion of an internship in a site such as human services, human resources, child and/or adolescent services, or the criminal justice system. Please visit our internship page for detailed information.

Student Organizations

EIU Psychology Majors have a number of opportunities available to them for engaging with other students and faculty, beyond the classroom. One such opportunity is by joining the Psychology Club, available to all students, and Psi Chi (the International Honor Society in Psychology). EIU’s Psi Chi chapter has been continually active for 45 years; it allows students opportunities to interact with department faculty and other students, similarly committed to pursuing careers or graduate training in psychology-related areas.

Study Abroad

The Psychology department at EIU offers a faculty-led summer program that is held in Rome and tours the center of Italy. It involves the study of culture and its influence on behavior. Meanwhile visiting wonderful cities and cultural sites, you will take a course on Multicultural Human Behavior for 6 credits (PSY 3970 Study Abroad).

Meet our Faculty

Take our word for it

“I enjoyed having a psychology major and I am so glad I chose to do it. I loved all of my psychology classes, found them interesting, and learned a lot. I learned diverse psychological elements that can be applied to many areas of my life. I believe everyone should at least have a psych minor because it will benefit them in any field they pursue.”

Susan Gruszka (2024)

“The psych department is very personal, and you will know all your classmates and professors on that personal level, which makes the work towards your degree easier to go through.”

Hannah Lineman (2024)

“The psychology program at EIU was a fantastic experience. It helped me gain a deeper understanding of myself, other people, the brain and how the mind operates, and the world around me. Also, the professors I had really invested in my confidence in my academic skills and both ensured and celebrated my potential for success in the field. The personalized one-on-one support from faculty and being able to truly work individually with my peers were instrumental in achieving my degree. I felt supported and encouraged by my professors every step of the way, which isn’t something I would have been able to say if I was attending a larger university’s psychology program. The psychology department faculty were not only highly knowledgeable but also willing to engage in additional discussions, provide extra resources, and offer valuable advice to enhance my undergraduate experience and make it the best it could be. Choosing to major in psychology at EIU was definitely the right decision for me and something I don’t regret one bit!”

Kenneth Ingle (2024)

"I would recommend this program to anyone. The professors here taught me to think outside of my normal thinking, and to question things."

Charleigh Harris (2018)

"One of the best decisions I have made was majoring in Psychology at Eastern. The coursework was challenging, but the curriculum was flexible enough for me to be able to complete my other prerequisites required for graduate school. The classes were small, and I was able to interact and form personal relationships with my professors. Being a part of the honors program provided me with many unique opportunities, such as being able to conduct my own research and present it at a psychological conference. I believe the skills I have learned at Eastern will make me a competitive and successful student and I continue on to grad school.”

Victoria Munson (2018)

"The psychology department at Eastern has been critical in not only my education, but also as an individual trying to figure out life. In this stage of my life & going through a lot of changes, the faculty has been incredibly understanding & always willing to help with whatever I needed. My favorite professor at Eastern told a class of mine that it wasn’t his job to lie to us, it was to tell us the truth. That may seem simple, but I’m thankful to have genuine, authentic professors who are professional but also relatable. It has helped my learning, it has helped my interfering, & I truly believe it will continue to help my future. I can’t thank the psychology department, everyone from Mary at the front desk who’s given me information I was looking for to Dr Mace who stepped in as my advisor for a semester when I didn’t know who mine was, enough for what they’ve done for me.”

Hannah Hohlbauch (2018)

"The EIU Psychology department has provided me with an outstanding undergraduate education that has no doubt prepared me for what lies ahead, both in graduate school and the professional world."

Madison Fisher (2016)

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Psi Chi Psychology ClubAdvising InformationEIU 3-Year Psych BA

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Eastern Illinois University

Physical Sciences - 1151
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920

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