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EIU Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Scholarships & Awards

The Department of Mathematics & Computer Science Department is extremely grateful to alumni and friends whose generous donations allow us to provide nearly 50 scholarships and awards to students each year. We honor all awardees at our annual scholarship banquet usually held in April.

If you are a student in any of our majors, then you are eligible to be considered for an award.

At Eastern, the application process begins with a General Application through the EIU Scholarship Homepage. This application is critical as there are many scholarships and awards across campus that are not department or major based. The portal will allow you see awards you are eligible for and lets all areas of the University know your information.

Please contact Dr. Rick Anderson with any questions you might have about scholarship and award opportunities in our department.

You can see some of our recent awardees on our Facebook page.

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Contact Information

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920-3099
(217) 581-2028

Andrew Mertz, Chair

(217) 581-2028

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