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How To: Survey Form and Student Tips


Eastern Illinois University

Charleston, Illinois


Coles County



Additional Resources



Click here to download survey form.

Click here to download editable pdf survey form (need Adobe Acrobat Professional to edit)

Click here to download survey form example.

The following tips and suggestions have been supplied by experienced and battle-scarred surveyors. They offer it to you freely, in hopes that one day, the glorious day will come when all of the Charleston, Illinois Survey will be complete.

1. Work from the elements up--don't try to determine a house's style until you have recorded all of the elements on the survey form.

2. If you don't know a term, just be as specific as possible, draw pictures if need be, or take a detailed photograph. Try not to play Webster and create your own terms...it may seem like a good idea at first...but it will only haunt you in the end...ahem, humped protrusion. (Below: detail of second story porch)

House detail

3. Continually bring in your printed survey forms to class so Dr. Small can look over them and the whole class remains on the same page.

4. Charleston Public Library has a pictorial history of Charleston, Illinois. Some of your surveyed houses might be included. Check it out:

Charleston Public Library Map to library


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