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Prestigious Pantherettes

Type: Social
Membership Types: EIU Students Only
Web: https://instagram.com/prestigious_pantherettes?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Uplifting and uniting individuals with a shared passion for performance in dance. Showcasing the beauty associated with the African American culturalized dance style of majorette dancing, Developing a bond within one another through the therapeutic expression of dance. The Pantherettes value creating a safe space to uplift not only one another but the community as well. Offering a space for minorities to come together and evolve alongside each other to become their best selves. The Pantherettes hold themselves to a higher standard; being a Pantherette means embracing who you are and actively working on who you want to be. 

Meeting Times

Mondays (8pm - 10pm), Wednesdays (5pm - 7pm),Friday (4pm - 6pm)pm -10:30pm
Rec Dance Room

Advisors and Board Members

Name Affiliation Email Phone
Macie B Drum Advisor mbdrum@eiu.edu 2175812215
Kyia J George President kjgeorge@eiu.edu