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Student Organization (RSO)

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The Society of Model U.N.

Type: Academic
Membership Types: EIU Students Only
Web: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2658819800846789/


Using simulations and discussion, we examine the complex issues facing our world and simulate real-world scenarios in the role of various member states in the United Nations. We use these simulations to practice for conferences we attend around the Midwest, where we represent our RSO. 


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Meeting Times

Fridays from 5:00-6:00 pm
Coleman 2140

Advisors and Board Members

Name Affiliation Email Phone
Paul D Danyi Advisor pddanyi@eiu.edu 2175817283
Benjamin Loza President bloza@eiu.edu
Anden L Cartright Vice President alcartright2@eiu.edu
Anden L Cartright Secretary alcartright2@eiu.edu
Eli J Wilhelm Treasurer ejwilhelm@eiu.edu