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EIU Office of Belonging, Access, & Engagement

S.T.R.O.N.G. MENtoring

Successful Teaching Relative to Overcoming Negative Generalities (S.T.R.O.N.G.)

To apply to become a mentor, fill out the online application.


Our Purpose 

The purpose of the S.T.R.O.N.G. MENtoring Program is to stimulate the minds of our underrepresented male students and foster a climate that will enhance their abilities to overcome challenges that may hinder them from graduating.

S.T.R.O.N.G.’s main purpose will be to cultivate our students into successful business and community leaders.

Strong logo


Our Objectives

Assist underrepresented minority male students in becoming acclimated to Eastern Illinois University and the Charleston community.

Develop activities that bridge the gap between faculty, staff and students which focus on the issues that directly relate to the adjustment, persistence and academic achievement of underrepresented male students.

Provide resources and services that will address their unique needs.

Strengthen underrepresented students’ academic skills and abilities and aid them in adjusting to the rigors of life in and after higher education.

Day 1

(S.T.R.O.N.G. Executive Board 2020-2021)

Need A Mentor?

Mentoring is important for your growth. Connecting with experienced and knowledgeable individuals can help you nativigate your collegiate and career experience. Quality mentoring greatly enhances students' chances for success by providing guidance on a variety of issues both personal, professional, and academic. Our mentors are like big brothers who check-in to make sure your adjusting and aware of opportunities.

If you are looking for a mentor please complete the Mentee Application!

Become A Mentor

Peer mentoring is a crucial tool for new EIU students to get acclimated to and be success at the university. As a mentor you are uniquely able to help provide other men of color with the support, resources, and guidance necessary to navigate campus culture & academic expectations. The support provided by a mentor is vital to the retention of men of color and encourages personal, academic, cultural, and social development.


  • Minimum GPA 2.50

  • Must be Sophomore, Junior, Senior status

  • Be in Good Standing with the University

  • Experience working with STRONG MENtoring (Preferred)

  • Actively engaged on campus

To apply click here.


Are You S.T.R.O.N.G. Enough? 

Join Us Now!!! 

Every other Tuesday @ 5 PM

Arcola/Tuscula Rm / 3rd Floor of the MLK Union

March 2, 2021

March 16, 2021

March 30, 2021

April 13, 2021


instaFollow on Instagram at STRONGMENTORING_EIU




Contact B. James Griffin at


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Contact Information

Mona Y. Davenport, Ph.D.
Executive Director

1122 - Blair Hall

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