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EIU Office of Belonging, Access, & Engagement


Forming Objectives to Create an Understanding for Success

To apply to be an FOCUS Peer Mentor, fill out the online application.

What is Focus?

The FOCUS program is a free, one-on-one mentoring program in which students with disabilities meet individually with a student mentor from the Office of Student Disability Services. The purpose of the FOCUS program is to provide participants with the skills and supports they need to achieve academic success at the college level. Mentors help participants expand their understanding and awareness of their disability as well as their academic strengths and weaknesses. Time management and organizational skills are reviewed with all FOCUS participants. In addition, participants will learn compensatory strategies, skill sets, various study techniques, and assistive computer software programs.

What will you learn?

  • Discover your strengths as a student.
  • Learn strategies and skills to help you compensate for academic challenges.
  • Learn how to organize your materials so you can easily locate what you need.
  • Learn effective study skills to be prepared for classes and tests.
  • Learn about assistive software and technologies that will make your college life easier.
  • Learn how to effectively use Panthermail, D2L, PAWS, and on-line library tools.
  • Learn to effectively advocate for yourself.
  • Gain confidence to be successful in many facets of life.
  • Learn how to manage your time to be a successful student and still have time to have fun, relax, and enjoy your college experience.

Where & When?

As a participant in the FOCUS program, you will meet one-on-one with a student mentor in 9th Street Hall. Scheduled meetings are typically once per week lasting 30 minutes to 1 hour, but can vary based on individual needs and mentor availability. Participants and their mentor arrange a weekly meeting day and time that fits into both of their schedules.


In order for the FOCUS program to be beneficial, you must be committed to the program.  Please do your best to attend all weekly meetings. In addition, be open with your mentor and communicate when  a strategy is or is not working, or if you would like to try something new.  The mentors want to work with you to  help you reach your goals.

Become A Mentor

Peer mentors are a vital part of making the FOCUS program work. If you would like to work with the FOCUS program and meet the requirements below, considering applying TODAY!


  • GPA 3.25 - 4.0
  • In Good Standing with the University
  • Proficient with Excel, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Word
  • Sophomore, Junior, Senior status
  • Strong organization skills
  • Strong communication skills
  • Experience working with people with different abilities is a plus.

To apply click here


Contact April Jackson at

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Contact Information

Mona Y. Davenport, Ph.D.
Executive Director

1122 - Blair Hall

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