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EIU Business Office

Endowment Funds

Eastern Illinois University
Endowment Funds Investment Report
As of June 30, 2024
Equity Funds
Brookfield Glbl Listed $181,025.46
JHancock2 Multi-Asset Absolute $514,051.22
Ariel Fund Institutional $307,671.03
Principal Diversified $193,083.71
Touchstone Intl Small Cap $72,841.75
Vanguard Developed Markets $752,754.06
Vanguard Div Appr Index $314,452.87
Vanguard Emerging Markets $299,486.21
Vanguard Total Stock Markets $421,260.88
Vanguard 500 Index Fund $627,383.56
Boston Common ESG Impact $619,999.09
Total Equity Funds $4,304,009.84
Bond Funds
Doubleline Total Return $439,509.75
Touchstone Impact Bond $140,870.58
Metropolitan West Total $187,552.63
Vanguard Intermediate Term $449,274.23
Cash/Money Market Balance $2,036.58
Total Account Value $5,523,253.61
Income/Change in Market Value $40,616.19
Monthly Return 0.94%

Asset Allocation

  • Equity — 60%
  • Fixed — 25%
  • Alternative — 15%

Investment Advisor

Fund Evaluation Group, LLC - Cincinnati, OH

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Contact Information

Student Accounts

1131 Old Main
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
Fax: 217-581-6371

Business Office

1131 Old Main
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
Fax: 217-581-6371

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