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EIU Campus Mail Services


Type or machine-print all address information.

Make sure print is clear and sharp.

Use no less than an 8 point font

Use simple fonts

Ensure address characters don't touch or overlap.

Use single line spacing

Black ink on a white background is best.

Maintain a uniform left margin.

Use upper-case letters

Omit all punctuation except the hyphen in the ZIP + 4

Include floor, suite and apartment numbers whenever possible.

Put the city, state and ZIP Code or ZIP + 4 code in that order on the last line.

Use standard two-letter state abbreviations.

When using window envelopes, make sure the complete address is always visible, even when the insert moves. Do not staple enclosures to prevent shift.

Leave one space between words and two spaces between the state abbreviation and the ZIP + 4 code

You will get the best possible service if you:


Use standard abbreviations for street names and suffixes

Eliminate all punctuation (except the hyphen in the ZIP + 4 Code)

Use 2 letter state abbreviations

Use ZIP + 4 Codes

Make sure the place (not office # or suite) where you want the mail delivered appears on the line immediately above the city, state and ZIP code line, for example:

123 W MAIN ST STE 400 
P O BOX 125 
But not both on the same line

For complete information on all addressing questions, please use the following link:


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Contact Information

Mail Services

Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920

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