2022 Mental Health & Wellness Fair
3 - 6 pm, Tuesday, Oct. 4, Martin Luther King Jr. University Union
A fun and interactive event where you can participate in activities to improve your mental health and wellness!
The fair includes resources from across campus and our community, mental wellness kits, crafts and activities, group counseling, flu shots, giveaways and more!
Wellness Matters T-Shirt Giveaway!
Earn a punch for each wellness presentation or activity attended. When your punch card has a minimum of five punches, redeem it for a free Wellness matters T-shirt and more! We are giving away 300 shirts during the fair to the first EIU students to redeem their punch card.
Full Schedule
3 - 6 pm: Bridge Lounge
Wellness Zone
- Wellness Zone DIY Stations:
- Seeds of Wellness Kits
- Sand Art
- Sugar Scrubs
- Adult Coloring Posters/Pages
- Micro/Mini Jigsaw Puzzles
- Mini-Paint Kits
- Paint a Pet Rock
- DIY Stress Balls
- Blood Pressure Readings
- Massage Chair
3-6 pm: Vending Lounge
- Therapy Pets
- Making Pet Toys
Breakout Sessions
3 - 3:30: pm Breakout Sessions
- Flu Shots, University Ballroom
- Paper Tigers Documentary, University Ballroom
“Paper Tigers" captures the pain, the danger, the beauty, and the hopes of struggling teens - and the teachers armed with new science and fresh approaches that are changing their lives for the better.
- Snoozin’ Like a Panther: Sleep Deprivation, 1895 Room
Do you know if you are getting a good night’s sleep? Come learn how quality sleep can affect your mood, productivity, and overall health.
- If the Hulk Can be Angry, So Can YOU, Effingham Room
We all get angry and it is okay. Learn how to accept and embrace your anger in healthy ways.
- Sexual Assault Awareness: Where Do WE Go?, Oakland Room
What is dating violence? What are the red flags? How can I help a friend or family member? What does gender have to do with it? We all have questions about dating/domestic violence ... let's have a conversation! You'll probably get candy if you join us!
- Group Counseling: Coffee Chat, Paris Room
Bring your favorite beverage and discuss various mental health concerns with your peers. Get a feel for what group counseling is like.
- Zumba Express, Greenup Room
A fitness class that involves cardio and Latin-inspired dance.
- Stress Management, Martinsville Room
Feeling stressed? Come learn about typical causes of stress for college students and learn several strategies and coping mechanisms to reduce its development. This session will help students build a better mindset and master their mental health. Join Jess to learn how to beat college stress!
- Mindfulness through Guided Meditation, Arcola-Tuscola Room
Breathe in, breathe out! Find your happy place with help from an experienced instructor.
- Time Management, Casey Room
Learn practical time management techniques to benefit your success! Personal time management skills are extremely important for success in college.
- The Big Sad: It's Okay If You’re Not Okay, Charleston-Mattoon Room
Learn about depression and how to help yourself and your peers.
3:30 - 4 pm: Breakout Sessions
- Flu Shots, University Ballroom
- Paper Tigers Documentary, University Ballroom
“Paper Tigers" captures the pain, the danger, the beauty, and the hopes of struggling teens - and the teachers armed with new science and fresh approaches that are changing their lives for the better.
- Zumba Express, 1895 Room
A fitness class that involves cardio and Latin-inspired dance.
- If the Hulk Can be Angry, So Can YOU, Effingham Room
We all get angry and it is okay. Learn how to accept and embrace your anger in healthy ways.
- Sexual Assault Awareness: Where Do WE Go?, Oakland Room
What is dating violence? What are the red flags? How can I help a friend or family member? What does gender have to do with it? We all have questions about dating/domestic violence ... let's have a conversation! You'll probably get candy if you join us!
- Group Counseling: Coffee Chat, Paris Room
Bring your favorite beverage and discuss various mental health concerns with your peers. Get a feel for what group counseling is like.
- Stress Management, Martinsville Room
Feeling stressed? Come learn about typical causes of stress for college students and learn several strategies and coping mechanisms to reduce its development. This session will help students build a better mindset and master their mental health. Join Jess to learn how to beat college stress!
- Mindfulness through Guided Meditation, Arcola-Tuscola Room
Breathe in, breathe out! Find your happy place with help from an experienced instructor.
- Time Management, Casey Room
Learn practical time management techniques to benefit your success! Personal time management skills are extremely important for success in college.
- The Big Sad: It's Okay If You’re Not Okay, Charleston-Mattoon Room
Learn about depression and how to help yourself and your peers.
4 - 4:30 pm: Breakout Sessions
- Flu Shots
University Ballroom
- What is Group Counseling Like?
University Ballroom
- Zumba Express, 1895 Room
A fitness class that involves cardio and Latin-inspired dance.
- Test Anxiety, Effingham Room
- Sexual Assault Awareness: Where Do WE Go?, Oakland Room
What is dating violence? What are the red flags? How can I help a friend or family member? What does gender have to do with it? We all have questions about dating/domestic violence ... let's have a conversation! You'll probably get candy if you join us!
- Nutrition & Health Eating, Greenup Room
Take the first step toward a healthier lifestyle. Come and learn the importance of healthy eating and the effects it brings to your lifestyle.
- Stress Management, Martinsville Room
Feeling stressed? Come learn about typical causes of stress for college students and learn several strategies and coping mechanisms to reduce its development. This session will help students build a better mindset and master their mental health. Join Jess to learn how to beat college stress!
- Counseling Clinic 101: We Have Your Back!, Arcola-Tuscola Room
It’s OK not to be OK. Let’s heal together!
- The Big Sad: It's Okay If You’re Not Okay
Charleston-Mattoon Room
Learn about depression and how to help yourself and your peers.
4:30 - 5 pm: Breakout Sessions
- Flu Shots
University Ballroom
- What is Group Counseling Like?, University Ballroom
- Mindfulness through Guided Meditation, 1895 Room
Breathe in, breathe out! Find your happy place with help from an experienced instructor.
- If the Hulk Can be Angry, So Can YOU, Effingham Room
We all get angry and it is okay. Learn how to accept and embrace your anger in healthy ways.
- Sexual Assault Awareness: Where Do WE Go?, Oakland Room
What is dating violence? What are the red flags? How can I help a friend or family member? What does gender have to do with it? We all have questions about dating/domestic violence ... let's have a conversation! You'll probably get candy if you join us!
- Group Counseling: Coffee Chat, Paris Room
Bring your favorite beverage and discuss various mental health concerns with your peers. Get a feel for what group counseling is like.
- Nutrition & Healthy Eating, Greenup Room
Take the first step toward a healthier lifestyle. Come and learn the importance of healthy eating and the effects it brings to your lifestyle.
- Counseling Clinic 101: We Have Your Back!, Arcola-Tuscola Room
It’s OK not to be OK. Let’s heal together!
- Snoozin’ Like a Panther: Sleep Deprivation, Casey Room
Do you know if you are getting a good night’s sleep? Come learn how quality sleep can affect your mood, productivity, and overall health.
- Prayer / Reflection, Shelbyville Room
Campus Ministries is committed to the spiritual well-being of students as they grow and learn at EIU. We hope to provide a variety of opportunities for students to discover faith, learn faith and live faith.
- Mental Health: It's Not Just in Your Head, Charleston-Mattoon Room
An interactive and educational presentation on how our mental health affects our body as a whole. Learn skills on how to listen to your body and feel better.
5 - 5:30 pm: Breakout Sessions
- Flu Shots
University Ballroom
- Mindfulness through Guided Meditation, 1895 Room
Breathe in, breathe out! Find your happy place with help from an experienced instructor.
- Test Anxiety, Effingham Room
- Sexual Assault Awareness: Where Do WE Go?, Oakland Room
What is dating violence? What are the red flags? How can I help a friend or family member? What does gender have to do with it? We all have questions about dating/domestic violence ... let's have a conversation! You'll probably get candy if you join us!
- Nutrition & Healthy Eating, Greenup Room
Take the first step toward a healthier lifestyle. Come and learn the importance of healthy eating and the effects it brings to your lifestyle.
- Student Rec 101, Martinsville Room
- Mental Health: It's Not Just in Your Head, Charleston-Mattoon Room
An interactive and educational presentation on how our mental health affects our body as a whole. Learn skills on how to listen to your body and feel better.
- Prayer / Reflection, Shelbyville Room
Campus Ministries is committed to the spiritual well-being of students as they grow and learn at EIU. We hope to provide a variety of opportunities for students to discover faith, learn faith and live faith.
5:30 - 6 pm: Breakout Sessions
- Mindfulness through Guided Meditation, 1895 Room
Breathe in, breathe out! Find your happy place with help from an experienced instructor.
- Group Counseling: Coffee Chat, Effingham Room
Bring your favorite non-alcoholic beverage and discuss various mental health concerns with your peers. Get a feel for what group counseling is like.
- Sexual Assault Awareness: Where Do WE Go?, Oakland Room
What is dating violence? What are the red flags? How can I help a friend or family member? What does gender have to do with it? We all have questions about dating/domestic violence ... let's have a conversation! You'll probably get candy if you join us!
- Student Rec 101, Martinsville Room
- Counseling Clinic 101: We Have Your Back!, Arcola-Tuscola Room
We have your Back! It’s OK not to be OK. Let’s heal together!
- Sexual Assault Prevention (SACIS), Charleston-Mattoon Room
SACIS provides counseling, advocacy, and support for all victims of sexual assault and their significant others.
- Prayer / Reflection, Shelbyville Room
Campus Ministries is committed to the spiritual well-being of students as they grow and learn at EIU. We hope to provide a variety of opportunities for students to discover faith, learn faith and live faith.
With thanks to HOPE of East Central Illinois, SACIS, EIU Disability Services, TRIO/SSS, ACTS Campus Ministry, Student Recreation Center, Dr. Krystal Lynch, Health Education Resource Center, Student Life Office, Student Affairs, Academic Affairs