Preparing for Financial Emergencies
Wednesday, September 4, 2024 @ 12:pm
Many people face financial emergencies, but few have prepared adequately to prevent them from having a major impact on their personal finances. By helping people understand the types of financial emergencies and potential consequences of not being prepared, we will enable people to focus on the steps necessary to avoid hardships which can accompany the emergencies. The webinar will cover the processes and products which can help people survive the various types of financial emergencies.
Wednesday, September 18, 2024 @ 12:00pm
Procrastination is rampant in today’s business world. Sure, it’s easy to blame others for your inability to get things done—demanding bosses, or co-workers who interrupt you for help. But be honest, how often is it your own fault? Are you simply putting off doing what will still be in your in-box tomorrow? Do you make statements such as: “I don’t have time to do it,” “It makes sense to do the smaller tasks first to get them out of the way,” “Once I get more energy, I can really focus on this”? If so, there’s a strong possibility that you have fallen into the “Procrastination Trap.” Pushing important tasks and projects off until later can cause emotional anguish and keep you from accomplishing professional and personal goals. This workshop will provide you with techniques and strategies to overcome procrastination in your work and personal life.
And don't forget to visit the Be Well Illinois Web site for tons of personal wellbeing resources!
Booth House
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920