There are three options for protecting human subjects who are
involved in research projects:
1. Research that is intended for eventual publication.
Use this option for most thesis and independent study projects.
The student and faculty mentor jointly submit a research protocol via the Application for IRB Review. The IRB review process is based
on the level of risk to human subjects. Review timeframes can vary based on
level of review.
2. Research that will not be published outside a class—no vulnerable subjects involved.
Use this option when the risks to the subject are minimal, the
projects are not intended to contribute to generalizable knowledge, and results
will not be published. The instructor should submit one form, Form H: Course Certification Request, on behalf of all students in the class.
3. Research that will not be published outside a class—with vulnerable subjects involved.
Use this option when a student's project fits into a class that is
covered by Course Certification and also involves a vulnerable population. The
student and faculty mentor should jointly submit an Application for Course Project Research Review.
Here are some points that will aid in selecting one of the three options:
Booth House
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920