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FDIC Announces Inaugural Pedagogy Day

Pedagogy Day 2024, a new one-day conference hosted at Eastern Illinois University. The purpose of this event is to cultivate a space where faculty and instructors can explore, share, and engage with proven effective practices for teaching and learning at the university level.

Inspired by the large learning strides possible through small instructional design and teaching adjustments, the theme for Pedagogy Day 2024 is “Small Changes with Big Impacts”. This theme draws support from the book  “Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning,” by Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel who argue that many common teaching and learning habits, such as massed practice, rereading or cramming, and the “fire hose” method of lecturing are counterproductive. Rather, with small changes rooted in the learning sciences applied to instructional design and teaching, content retention, retrieval, and ultimately learning outcomes can improve.

The keynote speaker is Dr. Andrew C. Butler, Ph.D., Chair and Associate Professor of Education and Associate Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis.

Dr. Butler is interested in the malleability of memory – the cognitive processes and mechanisms that cause memories to change or remain stable over time.

Butler's research focuses on how the process of retrieving memories affects the content (e.g., events, specific details, narrative structure, etc.) and phenomenological characteristics (e.g., confidence, emotional intensity, vividness, etc.) of those memories. His program of research addresses both theoretical issues in cognitive psychology and practical applications to education and mental health.

Please save this date - March 14, 2024 - registration will open in January 2024.

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Media Relations
Josh Reinhart,
Public Information Coordinator

Booth House
Eastern Illinois University
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Charleston, IL 61920

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