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EIU Military Student Assistance Center

About Military Student Assistance Center

The Military Student Assistance Center is here to assist all student veterans, reservists, active duty personnel, spouses of veterans, and dependents of veterans at Eastern Illinois University. We act as a point of contact for student veterans and dependents of veterans during their time at EIU.

Our Military Student Assistance Center is comprised of the Veteran Coordinator in addition to VA work study students to assist in making the transition to EIU a smooth process. We are committed to assisting veterans, their spouses and/or dependents to find the tools and assistance needed to achieve academic success at Eastern Illinois University.

All educational benefits, including certain requests and application forms to obtain benefits, are processed through the Veteran Benefits Office with the Veteran Coordinator and VA certifying official, Jenny Stout, in the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.


Jenny Stout
Eastern Illinois University Veteran Coordinator

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Contact Information

Military Student Assistance Center

Student Services Building
East Wing

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