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Interpersonal Violence Resources and Prevention

Campus Resources with a Confidential Response:

  • EIU Counseling Clinic & Confidential Advisor: Whether or not a complaint is filed, a student may also contact the confidential advisor at any time.

Jessica Cobert (formerly Milburn), EIU Counseling Clinic

Location: Human Services Building

Phone: 217-581-3413; after hours crisis options can be found by calling 217-581-3413 (follow prompts).

The Counseling Clinic has trained counselors available to provide confidential emergency and ongoing support to survivors of sexual violence. They can answer questions and provide information regarding available resources and reporting options. If students choose to file a complaint and want assistance through that process, the counseling clinic can help.

  • EIU Medical Clinic:

Medical Clinic can also provide a confidential response to a report.

Location: Human Services Building

Phone: 217-581-3013 and/or 217-581-2727 (nurse)

The Medical Clinic can provide various medical services and follow-up care, as well as helpful information, education, and referral.

  • EIU Student Health Insurance

Student Health Insurance can provide information related to medical expenses and student health insurance.

Location: 3rd floor of Student Services Building

Phone: 217-581-5290

Outreach Presentations, Events, and Information: 

For information on outreach presentations, resources for faculty, and more, go to our "Prevention Efforts" tab and click on "Request a Program," or click here

Additional Campus Resources:

EIU Housing—Provides options for addressing concerns of housing. Phone 217-581-5111,

Emergency - Phone 911, Blue Lights on campus connect to University Police Department

Student Legal Services Phone 217-581-6054,

For reporting options, please click here.

Community Resources with a Confidential Response:

HOPE Coalition Against Domestic Violence Phone 217-348-5931,

Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center, Phone 217-348-2525,

SACIS Sexual Assault Counseling and Information Services Phone 217-348-5033, toll free 888-345-2846.


Transportation—Dial A Ride–Affordable transportation services in the community. Phone 217-639-5169 or 1-800-500-5505, HTTP://WWW.DIALARIDETRANSIT.ORG/HOME.HTML

Additional Websites:

Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network: (Same-sex assaults) (Same-sex assaults) (Same-sex assaults)

National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799-7233

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Contact Information

Jessica Milburn, Confidential Advisor

EIU Counseling Center

Dr. Shawn Peoples, Title IX Coordinator

Office of Civil Rights

Brittany Floyd, Associate Director of Student Accountability & Support / Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Office of Student Accountability & Support

Office Hours

M-F 9-4:30pm

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