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EIU Benefit Services

Welcome to Benefit Services

Here you can explore all your benefit options as an Eastern Illinois University employee. Our employees are provided with a vast array of benefits including: group health, dental, vision, life insurance, disability, retirement, supplemental retirement plans, and tuition waivers.

We encourage our employees to be in control of their benefits. Employees can sign up and access their benefits at MyBenefits.

As the Benefits Staff, we are committed to providing excellent service to our employees. If you have any questions, please contact us via email at or call 217-581-5825.


  • Summer 2024 Work Hours



    As outlined in IGP 19, employees, whose work assignments allow, to compress their normal five-day workweek into a 4.5-day workweek. Please be sure to turn off computers, lights, and personal air conditioning units if you have them to help improve our energy efficiency.


    Campus-wide summer office hours will be in effect from Monday, May 6, through Friday, August 9. This year, flex schedules will be honored during the holiday weeks as well. Please ensure the work week consists of at least 37.5 hours of work hours, vacation and/or sick leave. (Note: A Holiday is only worth 7.5 hours). Supervisors are responsible for accurate recording of time.


    When summer office hours are in effect, all offices must be open Monday through Thursday between 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 4:30 p.m. and on Friday from 8 a.m. until noon. 


    Due to ongoing operational needs, offices including, but not limited to, University Police, Booth Library, and the Renewable Energy Center, will keep regular business hours and remain open on Friday afternoons.

    Holidays will be observed on Monday, May 27 for Memorial Day, Wednesday, June 19 for Juneteenth, and Thursday, July 4 for Independence Day.


    Classes scheduled to meet on Friday afternoons will be relocated to buildings where the air conditioning will remain on.


    Employees are to work with supervisors to ensure that a 37.5-hour workweek is accomplished. Each office is to change voice mail, signs, and other public communication to reflect its summer hours. Regular business hours will resume on Monday, Aug. 12.


    If you need to complete your flex schedule, please visit,  This link allows you to complete a request, obtain supervisor approval, and finally submit it to Benefits for final approval. 


    Questions may be directed to Human Resources at or by calling 217-581-5825.


  • New EIU benefits


    Parental Leave – Non-Negotiated Employees (IGP #7.3)

    • Upon the birth or adoption of a child, eligible EIU employees may choose to use up to 4 consecutive weeks of paid parental leave, or up to 20 consecutive workdays. Individuals (and their eligible partners) who elect to use this benefit, in full or part, shall agree to serve at the University for at least one year after the completion of the Parental Leave, and are required to sign a promissory note to access this leave benefit.  Additional information on this benefit can be found on the FMLA page. Here is  the promissory note.  



    Community Service Leave (IGP #7.4)

    • EIU is committed to community engagement, and seeks to facilitate expanded volunteerism among our employees. Qualifying community service leave includes “hands on” participation in an off-campus community service project led by a local government agency or a not-for-profit agency.  Eligible employees can receive up to one paid day of service leave (7.5 hours) per fiscal year.  This benefit may not be used over multiple days, and will not be carried forward from one fiscal year to the next.  Prior approval is required, and the service activity should be registered with the Office of Leadership & Engagement prior to the day of absence.  Additional information can be found at this link: Eastern Illinois University :: Civic Engagement and Volunteerism - (Community Service Leave) (


  • ComPsych Employee Assistance Program


    With Covid, we have all experienced a difficult and unprecedented couple of years and we still have not reached normalcy. Now is a great time to ensure that you and your dependents are aware of our Employee Assistance Program. EIU and the State of Illinois offer a very robust Employee Assistance Program that can help you and your dependents manage stress experiences and provide tools for improved mental health.

    The Employee Assistance Program services are free. ComPsych is available and can offer up to 5 counseling sessions (per event, per year) - remotely or in-person - to assist with your mental health needs.  More than this, ComPsych also offers a wide array of services to assist with other needs, such as legal assistance, financial resources, work-life solutions, and more.

    Explore all of the life assisting programs, webinars, and resources that ComPsych has to offer.  The services are confidential, free, and available for any employee and their dependents.

    Register at

    • Organization web ID: stateofillinois
    • Mobile App: GuidanceNow Android | Apple
    • Phone: 1-833-955-3400
  • Deferral Limits Will Increase for 2023


    The IRS has announced changes to pension limitations governing the 457 plans. The maximum amount individuals can contribute to their 457(b) plan will increase for calendar year 2023. The elective deferral (contribution) limit for employees who participate in deferred compensation will increase to $22,500. The age 50 catch-up contribution limit will increase to $7,500, making the total contribution limit for those aged 50 and older $30,000 for the 2023 calendar year. 

  • Holiday Gift Day FAQ


    What is a gift day? 

    A gift day is a designated paid day that the University may provide to leave benefit-eligible employees during the holiday break in December without having to use their own benefit time. A gift day is paid at straight time and does not accrue towards overtime eligibility. 

    What if it is determined that I am an “essential” employee who must work during the gift day? 

    Essential employees who are required to work on the gift day may use the gift day on another day within the timeframe identified by the administration and, with supervisor approval. . The alternative time off must be taken by March 31 of the next calendar year. 

    I have requested a sick day for a doctor's appointment on a designated gift day. Will I be required to use the gift day? 

    Yes, unless you are an essential employee, you must use the gift day on that day. 

    I am scheduled to work on a designated gift day and want to use the gift day on another day. What do I need to do? 

    You must follow standard protocol with your department for requesting time off and obtain approval from your supervisor. Only employees who have been identified as “essential” will be able to utilize the gift day on a day other than the designated gift day. If you do not know if you are “essential”, please work with your supervisor. 

    I am on Family Medical Leave over the holidays. Do I need to use my gift day? 

    Yes, you are required to use your gift day. The day will be a paid gift day but will still count towards your FMLA leave entitlement. 

    I am currently on leave, am I eligible for the gift day? 

    You may be. Please contact Human Resources at or call 217-581-5825 to discuss your specific situation. 

    I am a part-time employee. Am I eligible for the gift day? 

    In general, part-time employees not accruing benefit time are not eligible to receive the gift day. Please contact Human Resources at or call 217-581-5825 to discuss your specific situation. 

    If I call in sick, can I use the gift day?

    If the sick day occurs on a designated gift day, the time will be paid as a gift day. If you work on a gift day as an essential worker and choose to use the gifted day later, you must follow the standard protocol for requesting time off, including supervisor approval. 

    If I am on probation, am I eligible for the gift day? 


    Does the Gift Day expire for essential personnel who work on a designated gift day? 

    Yes, the gift day used at some other time, must be used no later than a date identified by the administration. The alternative time off must be taken by March 31 of the next calendar year.

    I was hired prior to December 31 of the current year to begin work on January 2. Will I be eligible to receive pay for the gifted day? 

    No, you must be in pay status and benefit-eligible prior to December 28 of the previous calendar year to be eligible for the gift day 

    The bi-weekly payday falls on one of the gift days. Will this remain as the official payday?

    Yes, the bi-weekly payday will remain as scheduled.  Direct Deposits will be available on the normal payday.  If a paper payroll check is issued, it will be available for pick-up in the Cashier’s Office, Old Main beginning at 8 am on the first official work day following the break. 



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Contact Information

Benefits Office

Old Main Room 2020
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston IL, 61920

Fax: 217-581-3614

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