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EIU Booth Library

Services for Off-Campus Students

For assistance with library catalog/database access problems, call (217) 581-6072.

Welcome! Booth Library offers a number of services to students enrolled in courses that meet off campus, including online courses, distance education classes, cohorts, student teachers, study abroad and graduate students completing a thesis. Our librarians are ready to help you.
  • Ask A Librarian E-mail and Chat reference service
  • By phone during open hours: 217-581-6072.
  • FAQ
You must be registered with Eastern Illinois University and have either a Panther card or Continuing Education ID card in order to use the library services described here.

Access to Databases:

Eastern Illinois University faculty, staff, and students may access databases provided by Booth Library from off-campus. An EIU netID and password are required. Many fulltext articles and eBooks are available. View these short tutorials to learn step-by-step instructions on using different research tools. If you research with Google Scholar, set up your library links to ensure access to EIU journal subscriptions.

Delivery Options:

Booth Library will mail requested books to off-campus students. Books and other materials should arrive in seven to ten days, but could take longer due to distance or mail schedules. Articles are generally delivered by email. Please note that delivery services are only available to students who are not enrolled in any on-campus course and live outside of Coles County.
The student must cover the costs incurred in mailing or returning books to Booth Library. In cases when the book is mailed back to the library and is overdue, the postmark date will be used to determine the overdue status.

To avoid fees you may renew most items through Your Account or by calling circulation services at 217-581-6071.

My Account
Login requires your EIU NetID and password

Services Available from I-Share Libraries Near You:

A valid student I. D. also allows you to borrow materials from many other Illinois college libraries by using your I-Share account, or you may walk into any of the I-Share libraries and check out books with your Panther Card. If you have a Continuing Ed ID Card you may be asked for a picture id as well. I-Share Libraries are members of the Consortium of College & Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI).

If you live off campus, you may choose to have Interlibrary Loan materials delivered to an I-Share Library near you for pick-up and return. Look for the [Choose pick-up location] box as you complete an I-Share Interlibrary Loan Request.

Graduate Students

Access to library resources is available to graduate students that have completed course work, but are completing other degree requirements. Students working on a thesis should speak with their advisor to enroll in Non-Credit Thesis 5951. Students studying for written exams should speak with their advisor to register for the appropriate non-credit course.

Study Abroad

Students and faculty participating in Study Abroad classes have access to all Booth databases. If you are having difficulty connecting, please call Library Technology Services at 217-581-6091 for help. Article delivery is also available. Please use the Article Delivery Request Form.

Helpful Library links:

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Contact Information

Booth Library

600 Lincoln Avenue,
Charleston, IL 61920
Ask Us
book an appointment
(217) 581-6072

Federal Depository LogoBooth Library is a Federal Depository Library


  • Today: 8:00am-Midnight
  • Tuesday: 8:00am-Midnight
  • Wednesday: 8:00am-Midnight

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