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EIU Annuitants Association

Who We Are

On September 27, 1971, twenty (20) Eastern Illinois University Annuitants invited by William H. Zeigel (to read more about William H. Zeigel click here) gathered in a meeting on campus and organized the Eastern Illinois University Annuitants Association (EIUAA) chapter. Those Founders in attendance were:

Bertha Anderson Glen Lefler
Myrtle Arnold Lawson Marcy
Robert Blair H. E. Phipps
R.O. Brooks Ruth Saltzman
Harold Cavins R.F. Schaupp
Quincy Doudna Ruth Schmalhausen
Gladys Ekeberg Glen Seymour
Gladys Hicks Ethel Stover
Russell Landis H. F. Thut
Lottie Leeds William Zeigel

Later that year William Zeigel (President), Roy Gregg (Vice President), and Hazel Schmidt (Secretary/Treasurer) were elected as the first officers of the newly established EIUAA chapter with 75 members. Earlier that week (9/20/71) William Zeigel with a group of statewide Annuitants established the State University Annuitants Association (SUAA) and became the second president of SUAA in 1972-73 and was a member of the committee that wrote the history of SUAA for its 20th Anniversary celebration.

EIUAA Officers 1971-Present (pdf document)

The Eastern Illinois University Annuitants Association (EIUAA) is the only organization dedicated to protection and strengthening of pension and health systems which support our annuitants in the most challenging years of their lives. Our organization provides the opportunity to maintain professional and social activities with fellow EIU employees. Our newsletter, New Horizons, and web site will keep you informed of Annuitants Association meetings, social activities and important relevant legislative and governmental issues, especially those related to pension and healthcare. Some of our activities include:

  • Presentations on timely and relevant issues,
  • Guest Speakers,
  • News of colleagues and campus events,
  • Volunteer opportunities,
  • Information and support for spouses of annuitants who directly receive benefits and, later, receive a survivors annuity and insurance,
  • Campaign cooperatively with other groups and the State Universities Annuitants Association (SUAA) chapters that have common interests.

Membership in EIUAA is open to all members of the EIU community including faculty, administrators, staff, annuitants and their spouses and survivors. EIUAA is a chapter of SUAA and is an effective representative for our State Universities Retirement System (SURS) annuitants, their spouses, and beneficiaries. By joining us, you will share your talents, vision, energy, and tangible and intangible contributions to collectively protect, enhance and advance the goals and common interest of present and future annuitants. Our chapter is governed by a local board of elected officers and directors. Membership in the combined EIUAA and SUAA is $44 per year (effective Jan. 1, 2020) and can be automatically deducted from your salary or pension.

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