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EIU Annuitants Association




EIUAA Second Annual Fall Social, September 12, 2024
4 to 6 p.m. Charleston Country Club

Social event



EIUAA Chapter Meeting, October 3, 2024
Guest Speaker: Katie Anselment, EIU Government Relations Director

9:00 a.m. Neal Welcome Center
8:30 a.m. Social time





Speaker Series




EIU Annuitants: We have three chapter meetings a year when we have a brief meeting that includes a guest speaker who might be of interest to you. Is there something about being retired you like to hear more about (insurance, health issues, leisure time activities, estate planning, etc.)? Is there something you’d like to know about our community, EIU, or Illinois? Please send any suggestions for future speakers, issues, or information you think you and others might find beneficial (or entertaining!) to any Board member.

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