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EIU Telecommunications Office

Troubleshooting Steps for Teams Call Quality Issues
  1. Headset Users: Disconnect the headset and see if issue continues using the laptop’s onboard mic and speakers or an external webcam if applicable to see if call quality changes.
  2. Hang up and calling them back and see if call quality changes.
  3. After the call, run a call test to hear your own audio. In Teams > go to the three dots next to your profile … > settings > Devices > Make a test call (you will record a short message and be able to hear it back.) Test headset, laptop, external webcam, etc.  This will help you determine the best device for call quality.


To Report an Issue with Teams Voice 

Send an email to

Please provide the below information, as well as, any other information you feel is relevant

  1. Date and time of the call
  2. Your name and 581#
  3. Phone number of the person you were calling
  4. What was each person using? Headset, Desk Phone, Speaker Phone, Cellular Phone
  5. (if applicable) Laptop or desktop computer?
  6. Where were both people located? In the office, at home, Starbucks, etc.



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Contact Information

Telecommunications Office

Room 3040
Student Services Building
Eastern Illinois University
(217) 581-4357

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