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EIU Health Communication

Online Program

In addition to being an on-campus major, the BS in Health Communication can be completed online. It is a perfect program for place-bound and nontraditional students, including working adults who want to finish their Bachelor’s degree with the aim of career advancement.  

It is possible to complete the Health Communication major entirely online. The Communication Studies and Public Health Departments offer a selection of online courses that can fulfill the requirements for the bachelor’s degree, typically in two years. The majority of the other coursework required for graduation can also be completed online or by taking some courses at a local community college and transferring the credit to EIU. The program also works well for a student who has completed an associate degree.

Students in the online program have the same opportunities to participate in internships and other integrative learning experiences. The online program provides the same quality and content as face-to-face classes. On their transcripts, students receive their "BS in Health Communication" (the same as on-campus students).

For a detailed description of the program, please click here.

EIU Graduation Requirements

In addition to completing requirements for the major, students will also need to complete EIU's graduation requirements:

  • 40 hours of General Education coursework including the Foreign Language requirement (complete two courses in a single foreign language) and senior seminar or a study abroad capstone.
  • 40 hours of upper-division credit (3000-4000 numbered courses).
  • Minimum GPA of 2.00 in the major.
  • 120 hours with a CGPA of 2.00 in all courses attempted.
  • 42 semester hours in residence (online through EIU or on campus) with a minimum of 32 in the junior and senior years, 12 of which must be in residence during the senior year.
  • Successfully complete the Electronic Writing Portfolio (EWP) (three submissions).
  • ***A full listing of Eastern Illinois University's requirements for a baccalaureate degree can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog.



For additional information about the program, please contact the Health Communication Coordinator:

Dr. Elizabeth Gill
School of Communication & Journalism
Eastern Illinois University
Charleston, IL 61920

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