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Fraternity & Sorority Life

 EIU Interfraternity Council

Eastern Illinois University's Interfraternity Council (IFC) is comprised of 7 inter/national Greek-letter men's fraternities that belong to the North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC).

IFC  FA 24 IFC Preview Day


Fall 2024 Recruitment Information:

  • Fraternity Recruitment will begin on Sunday, September 8, 2024, and conclude on Sunday, September 15, 2024.

  • Potential New Members are required to attend IFC Preview Day for fraternity recruitment.
  • IFC Bid Day will be on Sunday, September 15, 2024.
  • Look for flyers across campus and on the chapter's social media pages.
  • For information about Fall Recruitment, contact the IFC President: Jack Key


To participate in fraternity recruitment you must register at the link provided below: 

Fraternity Recruitment Registration

Interfraternity Council Fraternities at EIU

Delta Chi (IG logo: eiudeltachi)
President: Dalton Piercey
Advisor: Phillip Collins

Lambda Chi Alpha (IG: eiulambdachialpha)
President: Hunter Soyer
Advisor: Dennis Grannan

Phi Kappa Theta (IG: phikap_eiu)
President: Jack Swaim
Advisor: Greg Wooters

Sigma Nu: (IG: sigmanueiu)
President: Drew Smith
Advisor: Jacob Wilson

Sigma Phi Epsilon (IG: sigep_ilnu)
President: Aaron Alonso
Advisor: Christian Sammons

Sigma Pi (IG: eiu_sigmapi)
President: Bryan Martinez
Advisor: Bill Mulvaney

Sigma Chi (IG: sigmachi_eiu)
President: Sam Welton
Advisor: Spencer Sharp

Executive Board

President: Jack Key

Executive Vice President: Vacant

Vice President of Community Standards: Javier Dominquez

Vice President of Recruitment: Vacant

Vice President of Community Development & Engagement: Dayton Krowas

IFC Advisor: Natasha Koenig 

For more information, contact the IFC President, Jack Key

 Supportive Files & Documents

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Contact Information

Fraternity & Sorority Programs

Eastern Illinois University
3065 University Union
600 Lincoln Avenue Charleston, IL 61920

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