At the January 21st Annual Luncheon, we celebrated EIUAA’s 37th Anniversary in St. Charles Borromeo Church with the largest attendance ever including President Bill Perry, Linda Perry, Vice President Jill Nilsen, Hank Nilsen, Senator Dale Righter, and Representative Chapin Rose. We were treated to a magnificent performance by Richard Rossi, Director of EIU Orchestral and Coral Activities, Maureen Murchie, violinist and Concertmaster, Ben Hayek , cellist and gambist, Terry Coulton, violinist and the EIU Concert Choir. We awarded the first EIUAA Scholarship to Thomas McElwee, and Dr. Shirley Moore was recognized as the Annuitant Ambassador by Patti Stratton, Executive Director of the EIU Foundation.
Thomas McElwee was awarded 2008 EIU Annuitants Association Scholarship by Alan Baharlou, President of EIU Annuitants Association with his parents Lola & Robert McElwee watching |
Dr. Shirley Moore the 2007 EIU Annuitant Ambassador of the Year receives her award from Patrice A. Stratton, Executive Officer of EIU Foundation |