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PantherTech Support

Official University Emails

Sent: 2013-01-31
From: John Henderson
To: Students, Employees

Subject: Message from Desire2Learn regarding recent issues

Members of Eastern Illinois University Community,

Below is a message Desire2Learn has asked us to communicate with the campus community.


John Henderson


Members of Eastern Illinois University Community,

I am writing to you to outline the current situation involving EIU Online powered by Desire2Learn.

As you are painfully aware we are experiencing significant challenges with one of our cloud data centers and this is directly impacting your online experience at Eastern Illinois University.

I understand the severe impact this has on you whether you are a student, faculty member or a member of the institution’s administration. This is unacceptable and you have my most sincere apology.

Every member of our team here at Desire2Learn starting with myself is abundantly clear regarding the magnitude of the issue. We are working around the clock, utilizing every available resource including those of our partners to drive resolution to this problem. This is our highest priority and we will not rest until it is corrected, allowing you to get back to your commitments.

For those of you who know me personally, you understand my commitment to the success of education. We will get this problem resolved and work diligently to regain your confidence.

Our team will provide further updates as we work toward resolution.

John Baker
President and CEO
Desire2Learn Incorporated