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PantherTech Support

Official University Emails

Sent: 2013-01-07
From: Julie Lockett
To: Employees

Subject: Activate Your Course in D2L

Hello everyone:

If you are teaching a course this semester and using Desire2Learn, you MUST ACTIVATE each course to make the course accessible to students. All courses were reset to inactive by default on Saturday morning, January 5. Please CHECK YOUR COURSE AGAIN AND MAKE IT ACTIVE even if you had previously activated your course. Students will not be able to access the course if it is not activated.

To set the course as active, log in to your course and select "Edit Course" then "Course Offering Information". Place a checkmark in the box to the left of "Course is Active" when you are ready for your students to access your course.

Julie Lockett, Director of Instructional Technology Services
Center for Academic Technology Support, McAfee 1272
Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL 61920
Voice: 217.581.8449; FAX: 217.581.7998
Email:; Web: