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Official University Emails

Sent: 2009-08-28
From: Dr. Daniel P. Nadler - Vice President for Student Affairs
To: Students, Employees

Subject: Distribution of Mandated Information

Members of the Campus Community:

Each year, Eastern Illinois University is required by law to distribute its Annual Security Report, along with other material, to the campus community. This information, which can be found at, is designed to help protect you and your property.

The Annual Security Report, expanded to include helpful on- and off-campus contact information, is available at the following Web site: (A paper copy of the information will be provided upon request.) Portions are provided in compliance with the Federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Amendment Act (Public Law 101-226) and the Federal Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act (Public Law 101-542), among others.

Reported crime statistics for the 2008 calendar year will be available in October 2009. As always, crime prevention information is available on the University Police Department’s Web site:


Daniel P. Nadler, Ph.D.
Vice President for Student Affairs
and Associate Professor