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PantherTech Support

Official University Emails

Sent: 2012-08-13
From: EIU Emergency Notification
To: Students, Employees

Subject: Off-Campus Crime Alert

We have been advised by the Charleston Police Department that a robbery involving a handgun occurred at the corner of 9th Street and Cleveland.


The Charleston Police Department is looking for a suspect at large (possibly armed).  The suspect is described as a 6’ tall African-American male with a slim build.  The suspect was wearing jeans, a light blue hoodie, and dark shoes.


If you have any information regarding this incident, please contact the Charleston Police Department at 348-5221.  Safety precautions can be found on the Student Affairs ( and University Police Department ( websites.

In case of an emergency, dial 911 or 581-3212, or go to the University Police Department headquarters located at the corner of Seventh Street and Grant Avenue.  Blue emergency phones are available throughout campus
