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PantherTech Support

Official University Emails

Sent: 2019-10-23
From: EIU
To: Various Recipients

Subject: EIU Participating in Gallup Survey

Dear EIU Student:

The Gallup Organization, a nationally recognized polling firm, has asked the University to allow it to poll you, our students, about your views on campus life and national issues. Gallup will be selecting a random sample from among our undergraduates, and reaching out to you by e-mail and phone to solicit your views.

Gallup has promised that your answers will be anonymous. Gallup will not use your data for any other purpose outside this study and will not provide it to any third party.

Your participation is voluntary, but this is a unique opportunity for you to help shape the national discussion on topics of great importance. Should they contact you, I hope you would participate. Please contact Dr. Jay Gatrell at [] should you have any questions.

Thank you.