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PantherTech Support

Official University Emails

Sent: 2019-08-29
From: EIU
To: Various Recipients

Subject: HLC Open Pathway Quality Initiative Project

Dear EIU Community,

As part of Eastern’s 10-year accreditation cycle in the HLC's Open Pathway, we must propose and carry out a Quality Initiative Project (QIP) that can improve our institution. It can be a new project or a key milestone in an ongoing project. The project is evaluated on genuine effort, not success, and will need to be completed in the next 2-3 years. We are seeking input on ideas that you might have for a project that would have a meaningful impact at EIU.

Please share your ideas with EIU’s QIP committee in a brief Qualtrics survey linked from here:

Please respond by Monday September 9 at 11:00 AM

Thank you,

Jeff Stowell, chair

Angle Vietto

Beth Gillespie

Catherine Polydore

CC Wharram

Kelly Best

Michael Cornebise

Misty Rhoads

Sace Elder