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Official University Emails

Sent: 2019-05-28
From: EIU
To: Various Recipients

Subject: International Students Survey

Hi! My name is Zoey Zhang and I am a graduate student in the Clinical Psychology Masters program at Eastern Illinois University. In order to finish my degree, I am doing my thesis by studying how international students in the United States think about social support.

I am asking you to please help me complete the requirements of my degree by taking a short amount of time to complete two questionnaires. One of the questionnaires will ask you questions about your relationships with other people. The other questionnaire will ask you about how you think about support from others. This should only take 10 or 15 minutes. All your answers and information will remain strictly confidential. We won’t have any way to know which answers you gave.

In order to thank you for your time, if you participate in my study, your name will be entered into a drawing to win a $50 Walmart gift card.

Thank you so much.

With your help, I’ll be able to finish my thesis and get my degree.

To participate, please click this link: