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PantherTech Support

Official University Emails

Sent: 2016-10-06
From: Information Security
To: All Employees, All Annuitants, All Students, Various Recipients

Subject: Security Changes

In an effort to protect the sensitive information of our faculty, students and staff we will be making the following modifications to PAWS. These modifications will be implemented on 10/7/2016.

·         Under the Employee Tab the following options for Pay Information will be affected:

o   We will be removing the Direct Deposit Allocation option.

o   We will be masking the full Social Security Number for the Pay Stub Details.

·         Under the Employee, Student, and Financial Aid Tabs the following options will be affected:

o   We will be removing the functionality for printing any of the tax forms including W2’s.

o   We will be masking the Social Security Numbers on the web view of all tax forms.


Please note these modifications have been made to protect the sensitive information which has been entrusted to EIU. If you need to review, modify or print any of this information you will need to contact Human Resources and they will assist you.