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PantherTech Support

Official University Emails

Sent: 2015-10-20
From: Shirmeen Ahmad, Student Body President
To: Students, Various Recipients

Subject: Higher education in Illinois is at a crossroads

Dear EIU Students:
Higher education in Illinois is at a crossroads.

Illinois public universities are currently educating 200,000 students -- our future leaders.  Even though we're well into fiscal year 2016, there's still no higher education budget.

The stalemate undermines not just universities, but the state's future. After all, an educated workforce is essential to Illinois' long-term economic health. That makes higher education funding a requirement, not a luxury.

We need to keep sharing our message with our lawmakers.  The importance higher education funding must remain on the top of their minds.

Sign Your Name; Raise Your Voice (link below).

Join students from all nine public institutions in a group effort by signing this statewide petition that urges elected officials to make higher education a priority.

You can reinforce these efforts by sharing your personal story — in letters to the editor of your home newspaper — about how your education is transforming your life.

As always, we are grateful for your time and support. If you have questions or need guidance, please feel free to contact your EIU Student Government at 217.581.5522.


Shirmeen Ahmad
Student Body President
Eastern Illinois University