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Official University Emails

Sent: 2015-03-03
From: Shirmeen Ahmad, Student Vice President for Academic Affairs
To: Students, Various Recipients

Subject: Student Distinguished Faculty Award

The Student Distinguished Faculty Award is a way for students to show their appreciation to the faculty that have made a great impact in the classroom and out. The different categories that students can nominate faculty for are Distinguished Academic Support, Distinguished Service, and Distinguished Subject. More information on the categories can be found on the application which is on the Student Government website (Application deadline is March 23).  An awards banquet will be held in April to recognize the winners. Students can nominate more than one faculty member. Any questions can be sent to me at or students can visit their student deans, Christian Ilunga-Matthiessen, Jordan Nelson, Kaitlyn Lacy, Brad Oyer and Akeem Forbes.

Here is the link to the application.


Shirmeen Ahmad

Student Vice President for Academic Affairs Eastern Illinois University