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PantherTech Support

Official University Emails

Sent: 2013-12-20
From: William L. Perry, President
To: Employees

Subject: Holiday reflections

Dear Colleagues:

I am writing to thank you for your dedication and commitment to EIU and our students. You have kept your focus on distinctive service to our students, each other, and our many constituents in an environment of frequent change and fiscal uncertainty. Whether with EIU for months, years, or decades, you have stayed the course and accomplished much. EIU's achievements over the past decade represent a high performing institution, focused on the values of excellence and personal relationships. You can take justifiable pride in your part of making EIU a university of achievement and excellence.

When we return from the holiday, I encourage celebration of how much we have accomplished and consideration of much we can do by working together, regardless of circumstances. Our strength lies within ourselves; by renewing ourselves over the break we will return in the new year ready to support each other and to enable more great achievements for our students, our colleagues, and our university.

With these thoughts in mind, I wish you a restful, restorative, and joyous holiday season.


Bill Perry, President