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PantherTech Support

Official University Emails

Sent: 2010-01-15
From: Information Technology Services
To: Employees

Subject: Banner INB and PAWS back on-line

This morning, at approximately 10:40 am, the Banner systems experienced a hardware issue in its storage. This issue gave the appearance there might have been problems in the database that houses the PAWS and Banner INB data. In order to insure that we did not lose or compromise any data, steps were taken to verify the storage prior to bringing systems back online. This verification process took time and resulted in the PAWS system being unavailable until approximately 2:30 pm. The Internet Native Banner system took longer to correct but is now back in service. We apologize for the inconvenience this outage has caused, however we felt it appropriate to insure the integrity of the systems prior to bringing them back online.