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PantherTech Support

Official University Emails

Sent: 2013-11-04
From: William L. Perry, President
To: Employees

Subject: Planning and Budget Update

Dear Colleagues,

As the next legislative session approaches, I am writing to update the campus on budget discussions for fiscal year 2015.

As you know, we have been managing reduced resources for several years, while continuing to offer an excellent, affordable university education. We have reduced costs by instituting cost savings, reducing operating budgets, and reducing staff, primarily by attrition. However, as we realized in our process leading to our Strategic Plan, we now need to aggressively employ new strategies for our financial sustainability in future years. As a result we developed our Program Analysis initiative to ensure that our resources are squarely focused on our mission. Moreover, we also developed our Strategic Enrollment Planning because of the central role enrollment takes in our financial future.

As we plan for the coming fiscal years we will in the context of Program Analysis and Strategic Enrollment Planning collaborate with the Council on University Planning and Budget (CUPB) to develop budget reductions and reallocations that will enhance our financial sustainability.

In the spring semester we will keep the campus informed of progress in the deliberations. Thank you for your continued commitment to our students and to the university.

Bill Perry, President