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EIU Major In Career and Technical Education

Current Course Syllabi

The syllabi listed for the courses in the School of Technology are provided as general information and should not be taken as "the" syllabus for the course. Instructors have a syllabus specific for their course and could make changes during the course of the term. Please consult with the course instructor for the most current
version of the syllabus for a given course and term.

For additional information you may contact the Career and Technical Education Program Coordinator.

Note: All files are in pdf format. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded here.

CTE 1420 Survey of Business Principles

CTE 2000 Inquiry Into Teaching Career and Technical Education

CTE 2001 Work-Based Learning

CTE 3000 Consumers in the Marketplace

CTE 3100 Instructional Technology in Career and Technical Education

CTE 3400 Methods of Teaching Career and Technical Education

CTE 3401 Seminar in Teaching Keyboarding and Computer Applications

CTE 3402 Seminar in Teaching Basic Business and Accounting

CTE 3403 Seminar in Teaching Family and Consumer Sciences

CTE 3404 Seminar in Teaching Technology 

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Contact Information

Dr. Julie Chadd

Career and Technical Education
School of Education
2144 Buzzard Hall
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-5728

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