Bobryk, C.W., Gaines, K.F., Novak, J.M., and Dyer, S.S.
A spatially explicit model to predict white-tailed deer radiocesium body burdens on the Department of Energy's Savannah River Site.
Huckaba, J.K. and Daniel, S.L.
Comparing the Nutritional Requirements of the Bile Acid-Metabolizing Gut Bacteria Clostridium hylemonae andClostridium hiranonis.
Ladwig, L. M. and Meiners, S.J.
Liana impacts on tree growth in an early successional temperate forest system.
Penn, C.D. and Daniel, S.L.
Degradation of Salicylate, an Important Plant-Signaling Molecule, by the Fungal Plant Pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum.
Pisula, N.L., and Meiners, S.J.
Allelopathic potential of woody non-natives in a young forest community.
Schuette, A.C. and Daniel, S.L.
Anaerobic Growth Potentials of Xenohabdus nemotophila.
Life Sciences Building - 2070 600 Lincoln Avenue Charleston, IL 61920
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