Baluka, A. E.C. and Daniel, S.L.
PCR-Based Detection of Genes Responsible for Oxalate Detoxification in Probiotic Microorganisms.
Carroll, K. and G.N. Fritz
Sperm Genotype Patterns in Newly-mated Queens of the Red Imported Fire Ant, Solenopsis invicta.
Fornell, A.M. and S.J. Mullin
Foraging Site Selection in Prairie Kingsnakes: An Experimental Examination
Franken, K.M., Coons, J.M., Owen, H.R., Smith, E.L., and J.E. Ebinger
Environmental and reproductive factors influencing population size of the Illinois endangered speciesCamassia angusta (Wild Hyacinth)
Hickman, S., Ingram, K. and G.A. Bulla
Genome Wide Analysis of Gene Silencing in Mammalian Cell Hybrids
Imboden, A.M. and S.L. Daniel
Resolving the Nutritional Requirements of Clostridium scindens, a Bile Acid-Metabolizing Gut Bacterium.
Jernegan-Grant, M. C., Coons, J. M., Claerbout, A. E.and H. R. Owen
Seed Biological Sciences-Friend or Foe to the Endangered Physaria ludoviciana
Jernegan, M.C., N.E. Coutant and J.M. Coons.
Botany at Eastern Illinois University.
Nott, B.M., Tulloss, E.M. and S.J. Meiners
Edge Influence on Reproductive Success of Symphoricarpos orbiculatus
Life Sciences Building - 2070 600 Lincoln Avenue Charleston, IL 61920
Fax: 217-581-7141