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110 ILCS 205/9.24 Board of Higher Education Act Sports Equity in Intercollegiate Athletics. For the purpose of attaining gender equity in intercollegiate athletics, public institutions of higher education may grant, in addition to any such amounts previously authorized by the Board, tuition waivers in an amount not to exceed 1% of all tuition income.
    Intercollegiate athletics, for purposes of this Section, shall include only those sports sanctioned by the National Collegiate Athletic Association and the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics, but shall not include club sports. 
    Before issuing any such tuition waiver, public institutions of higher education shall place on file with the Board a plan for achieving gender equity in intercollegiate athletics. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: 

(1) intercollegiate sports opportunities available to both men and women;


(2) activities to be undertaken by the institution to achieve gender equity in intercollegiate athletics;


(3) identification of the barriers to achieving and maintaining equitable intercollegiate athletic opportunities for men and women;


(4) progress in achieving sports equity in compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and


(5) the use of tuition waivers for attaining gender equity in intercollegiate sports.

    The Board shall report every 3 years to the General Assembly and the Governor, on or before the second Wednesday of April, beginning in 2002, with a description of the plans submitted by each public institution of higher education relative to attainment of gender equity in intercollegiate sports. The report shall include financial data on tuition waivers and other intercollegiate athletic expenditures for men and women, the effectiveness of the plans, and the degree of compliance with Title IX of the Higher Education Act of 1965.
110 ILCS 10/2 Campus Demonstrations Policy Act The administration of each State-supported institution of higher learning is responsible for maintaining decorum and order on the campus of that institution. 
110 ILCS 12/5 Campus Security Enhancement
Act of 2008
Background investigation. Each public institution of higher education shall, through written policy and procedures, identify security‑sensitive positions and make provision for the completion of criminal background investigations prior to employing individuals in those positions. 
110 ILCS 12/10 Campus Security Enhancement
Act of 2008
Community task force. Each public institution of higher education shall establish by December 1, 1996, a community task force for the purpose of coordinating with community leaders and service providers to prevent sexual assaults and to ensure a coordinated response both in terms of law enforcement and victim services. 
110 ILCS 12/15 Campus Security Enhancement
Act of 2008
Arrest reports. When an individual is arrested, information shall be made available to the news media for inspection and copying as soon as practicable, but in no event shall the time period exceed 72 hours from the arrest.
110 ILCS 12/20 Campus Security Enhancement
Act of 2008
Each higher education institution is required to do the following: (1) develop a National Incident Management System compliant, all hazards, emergency response plan; (2) develop an interdisciplinary and multijurisdictional campus violence prevention plan. 
110 ILCS 923/15 Child Welfare Student Loan Forgiveness Program Establishment of program. There is created the Child Welfare Student Loan Forgiveness Program to be administered by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission. The program shall provide loan assistance, subject to appropriation, to eligible students for upper-division undergraduate and graduate study. The Commission shall adopt rules necessary to administer the program. 
110 ILCS 923/25 Child Welfare Student Loan Forgiveness Program Eligibility.(a) To be eligible for assistance under the Child Welfare Student Loan Forgiveness Program, an applicant for an undergraduate forgivable loan must meet [certain] qualifications: [as listed in this section]
110 ILCS 923/30 Child Welfare Student Loan Forgiveness Program Repayment schedule; credit; penalty for non-compliance. (a) A forgivable loan must be repaid within 10 years after completion of the approved or accredited social work or human services program. The Commission shall adopt, by rule, repayment schedules and applicable interest rates.
110 ILCS 20/2 College Student Immunization Act Proof of immunization. No person shall attend a post-secondary educational institution without presenting proof that he or she has received such immunizations against preventable communicable diseases as the Department shall require by rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to this Act and "An Act in relation to the prevention of certain communicable diseases", approved July 5, 1967, as now or hereafter amended, except as provided in Section 3 of this Act. The proof of immunization required by this Section shall be presented to the post-secondary educational institution. 
110 ILCS 20/6 College Student Immunization Act Report. Within 8 weeks after the commencement of classroom instruction, the post-secondary educational institution shall file a report with the Department stating the number of persons attending the institution who had presented: proof of immunization; certification of medical exemption; statement of religious objection; and no proof of immunization. The report shall be on forms prepared by the Department. 
110 ILCS 25/2.b Collegiate Athletic Association Compliance Enforcement
Procedures Act
Collegiate athletic associations are national unincorporated associations consisting of both private and public colleges and universities and are essentially monopolies controlling intercollegiate athletics throughout the United States, giving them great leverage in dealing with local Illinois institutions that need membership to participate in sports on a national level.  
110 ILCS 25/2.d Collegiate Athletic Association Compliance Enforcement
Procedures Act
Membership in a national collegiate athletic association of schools of similar size or function is essential for Illinois institutions of higher learning to compete on a national level in all sports of any significance. 
110 ILCS 25/4(a) Collegiate Athletic Association Compliance Enforcement
Procedures Act
No penalty may be imposed by a collegiate athletic association on any institution of higher education operating in the State of Illinois, nor shall any collegiate athletic association require or cause any institution of higher education to impose a penalty on any student or employee, unless the findings upon which the penalties are based are made at a formal hearing in conformity with the rules in this Section.
110 ILCS 25/5 Collegiate Athletic Association Compliance Enforcement
Procedures Act
    (a) Any penalty imposed upon an institution by an association or any penalty required by the association to be imposed on a student or employee must bear a reasonable relationship to the violation committed. 
    (b) Any penalty must be commensurate with those applied in similar situations for similar violations. 
    (c) Any penalty imposed on an institution or, because of an association directive, on an individual shall be subject to review in circuit court. 
110 ILCS 25/6 Collegiate Athletic Association Compliance Enforcement
Procedures Act
Rights in interrogations.
(a) In any interrogation of any person suspected of a violation of association rules, at the point at which the association should reasonably believe the person might have violated association rules, it shall inform the person that it is investigating him or her for misconduct that might result in the imposition of a penalty on such individual or his or her institution.
    (b) At such point, the person interrogated is entitled to have counsel present at any further interrogation and need not respond further until provided with reasonable time to obtain counsel. The person interrogated is entitled to a complete recording of any subsequent interrogation and a transcript of the full interrogation made at the expense of the association. The transcript shall be made by a certified Illinois court reporter. 
110 ILCS 25/8 Collegiate Athletic Association Compliance Enforcement
Procedures Act
(a) No association shall impose a penalty on any institution for a violation of the association's rules or legislation unless the findings that are the basis for the penalty are made, and the penalty itself is imposed, in accordance with this Act. 
    (b) No association shall impose a penalty on any college or university for failure to take disciplinary action against any employee or student for the violation of association rules or legislation 
110 ILCS 25/9 Collegiate Athletic Association Compliance Enforcement
Procedures Act
(a) An association that violates this Act is liable for damages to an aggrieved institution or individual incurring injury as a result of the violation of this Act. Damages shall include, but are not limited to, all financial loss incurred due to the imposition of a penalty in violation of this Act. Any association found guilty of violating this Act is also liable for the costs, litigation expenses, and attorney's fees of any party prevailing against it.
    (b) Any institution or individual aggrieved as a result of this Act shall also be entitled to appropriate equitable relief. 
110 ILCS 25/10 Collegiate Athletic Association Compliance Enforcement
Procedures Act
Exclusions.  This Act does not apply to the following: 
    (a) Investigations conducted by  and penalties imposed by a collegiate athletic association that relate solely to academic qualifications.
    (b) Investigations conducted solely by the institution of higher education or by the institution's association representative.
110 ILCS 25/11 Collegiate Athletic Association Compliance Enforcement
Procedures Act
    (a) An institution, student, or employee who is subject to an investigation and penalties may waive any of the rights granted by this Act. 
    (b) A waiver must be in writing, must be knowingly, freely, and voluntarily made, and must specify each right being waived. 
    (c) A waiver may not be made irrevocable and may be revoked at any time by the institution, student, or employee giving the waiver. 
10 ILCS 5/1A-17 Election Code Voter registration outreach.
    (a) The Secretary of State, the Department of Human Services, the Department of Children and Family Services, the Department of Public Aid, the Department of Employment Security, and each public institution of higher learning in Illinois must make available on its World Wide Web site a downloadable, printable voter registration form that complies with the requirements in subsection (d) of Section 1A‑16 for the State Board of Elections' voter registration form.
    (b) Each public institution of higher learning in Illinois must include voter registration information and a voter registration form supplied by the State Board of Elections under subsection (e) of Section 1A‑16 in any mailing of student registration materials to an address located in Illinois. Each public institution of higher learning must provide voter registration information and a voter registration form supplied by the State Board of Elections under subsection (e) of Section 1A‑16 to each person with whom the institution conducts in‑person student registration.
    (c) As used in this Section, a public institution of higher learning means a public university, college, or community college in Illinois.    
110 ILCS 47/10 Fire Sprinkler Dormitory Act Fire sprinkler systems required. Subject to the establishment of a fire sprinkler dormitory revolving loan program under Section 15 of this Act, fire sprinkler systems are required in the dormitories of all post-secondary educational institutions by 2013. This includes current structures as well as newly constructed dormitories. Nothing in this Act may be construed to abrogate any statute, rule, or ordinance requiring that a fire extinguisher be present in a dormitory. 
110 ILCS 47/15 Fire Sprinkler Dormitory Act Fire Sprinkler Dormitory Revolving Loan Program. The Illinois Finance Authority and the Office of the State Fire Marshal shall jointly administer a fire sprinkler dormitory revolving loan program. The program shall provide low-interest loans for the installation of fire sprinkler systems in college dormitories by post-secondary educational institutions. The loan funds, subject to appropriation or other funding sources, shall be paid out of the Fire Sprinkler Dormitory Revolving Loan Fund, a special fund in the State treasury. The Fund shall consist of any moneys transferred into or appropriated to the Fund as well as all repayments of loans made under this Section. The Fund shall be used for loans to post‑secondary educational institutions for costs associated with the installation of fire sprinkler systems in dormitories and for no other purpose. All interest earned on moneys in the Fund shall be deposited into the Fund. 
110 ILCS 215/2 Health Services Education
Grants Act
The Board of Higher Education is authorized to distribute funds to non-profit health service educational institutions in this State by grants as set forth in this Act and to prescribe forms and procedures for applications for such grants. 
    No grant shall be made to any institution which discriminates in the admission of students or the use of its facilities on the basis of race, color, creed, sex or national origin. 
    No facilities constructed with the aid of these grants shall be used for sectarian instruction or as a place for religious worship.
110 ILCS 215/4 Health Services Education
Grants Act
Grants may be made to the following classes of institutions that offer health services programs: (i) medical, dental, pharmacy, optometry, and nursing schools, (ii) physician assistant programs, (iii) psychology and other physical and mental health‑related schools and programs, and (iv) hospitals and clinical facilities used in health service training programs. 
    Qualification for grants shall be on the basis of either the number of Illinois resident enrollees or the number of degrees granted to students who are residents of this State or both. The grant amount shall be determined by the Board of Higher Education for each class of institution.
110 ILCS 947/25
110 ILCS 947/75
Higher Education Student
Assistance Act
Under this Act there are several programs, including:
    110 ILCS 947/25 State scholar program. 
    110 ILCS 947/31 Merit Recognition Scholarship program. 
    110 ILCS 947/35 Monetary award program. 
    110 ILCS 947/36 Silas Purnell Illinois Incentive for Access grant program. 
    110 ILCS 947/37  Higher education license plate grant program. 
    110 ILCS 947/39 Monetary Award Program Plus.
    110 ILCS 947/40 Illinois Veteran grant program. 
    110 ILCS 947/45 Illinois National Guard and Naval Militia grant program. 
    110 ILCS 947/50 Minority Teachers of Illinois scholarship program. 
    110 ILCS 947/52  Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois Program. 
    110 ILCS 947/55 Police officer or fire officer survivor grant. 
    110 ILCS 947/60 Grants for dependents of Department of Corrections employees killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty. 
    110 ILCS 947/65 Student to student grant program. 
    110 ILCS 947/65.05 Traineeship and fellowship program; training of professional personnel. 
    110 ILCS 947/65.10 Fellowship program. Traineeship program. 
    110 ILCS 947/65.15 Special education teacher scholarships. 
    110 ILCS 947/65.20 Science-mathematics teacher scholarships. 
    110 ILCS 947/65.25 Teacher shortage scholarships. 
    110 ILCS 947/65.27 Teach Illinois Scholarship Program. 
    110 ILCS 947/65.30 Equal opportunity scholarships. 
    110 ILCS 947/65.35 Administrator internships. 
    110 ILCS 947/65.40 General provisions; leaves of absence. 
    110 ILCS 947/65.45 Special education grants. 
    110 ILCS 947/65.50 Teacher training full-time undergraduate scholarships. 
    110 ILCS 947/65.56 Illinois Teachers and Child Care Providers Loan Repayment Program. 
    110 ILCS 947/65.75  Grant for a person raised by a grandparent.
    110 ILCS 947/65.80 Forensic science grant program.  
    110 ILCS 947/75  College savings programs. 
110 ILCS 49/15 Higher Education Veterans
Service Act
Survey; coordinator; best practices report; best efforts. 
    (a) All public colleges and universities shall, within 60 days after the effective date of this Act, conduct a survey of the services and programs that are provided for veterans, active duty military personnel, and their families, at each of their respective campuses. This survey shall enumerate and fully describe the service or program that is available, the number of veterans or active duty personnel using the service or program, an estimated range for potential use within a 5-year and 10-year period, information on the location of the service or program, and how its administrators may be contacted. The survey shall indicate the manner or manners in which a student veteran may avail himself or herself of the program's services. This survey must be made available to all veterans matriculating at the college or university in the form of an orientation-related guidebook.
    Each public college and university shall make the survey available on the homepage of all campus Internet links as soon as practical after the completion of the survey. As soon as possible after the completion of the survey, each public college and university shall provide a copy of its survey to the following:
    (1) the Board of Higher Education;
    (2) the Department of Veterans' Affairs;
    (3) the President and Minority Leader of the Senate and the Speaker and Minority Leader of the House of Representatives; and 
    (4) the Governor.
    (b) Each public college and university shall, at its discretion, (i) appoint, within 6 months after the effective date of this Act, an existing employee or (ii) hire a new employee to serve as a Coordinator of Veterans and Military Personnel Student Services on each campus of the college or university that has an onsite, daily, full-time student headcount above 1,000 students.
    The Coordinator of Veterans and Military Personnel Student Services shall be an ombudsperson serving the specific needs of student veterans and military personnel and their families and shall serve as an advocate before the administration of the college or university for the needs of student veterans. The college or university shall enable the Coordinator of Veterans and Military Personnel Student Services to communicate directly with the senior executive administration of the college or university periodically. The college or university shall retain unfettered discretion to determine the organizational management structure of its institution. In addition to any responsibilities the college or university may assign, the Coordinator of Veterans and Military Personnel Student Services shall make its best efforts to create a centralized source for student veterans and military personnel to learn how to receive all benefit programs and services for which they are eligible.  
    Each college and university campus that is required to have a Coordinator of Veterans and Military Personnel Student Services shall regularly and conspicuously advertise the office location, phone number, and Internet access to the Coordinator of Veterans and Military Personnel Student Services, along with a brief summary of the manner in which he or she can assist student veterans.
    The advertisement shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, the following:
    (1) advertisements on each campus' Internet home page; and
    (2) any promotional mailings for student application.
110 ILCS 49/20 Higher Education Veterans
Service Act
Fiscal impact and reporting. Beginning on September 1 of the year following the effective date of this Act and each subsequent September 1, each college and university that is required to have a Coordinator of Veterans and Military Personnel Student Services under subsection (b) of Section 20 of this Act shall report to the Board of Higher Education on the fiscal impact of the programs and services related to the requirements of this Act.
    The Board of Higher Education shall compile the information and, within 60 days after receipt of such information, issue a report reflecting the information for each institution required to report under this Section. The report must be filed with the Governor, the Governor's Office of Management and Budget, the Director of Veterans' Affairs, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President of the Senate, the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, and the Minority Leader of the Senate.
110 ILCS 225/3 Illinois Cooperative
Work Study Program Act
Creation and implementation of program. A program of financial assistance to support student cooperative work study programs in higher education is established to benefit students academically and financially, reduce reliance on loans, enhance public‑private sector partnerships, and encourage students to seek permanent employment in Illinois. 
    The Board shall administer the program of financial assistance and shall distribute the funds appropriated by the General Assembly for this purpose in the form of grants to public or nonpublic institutions of higher education to expand opportunities for students to pursue internships, clinical placement, cooperative programs with business and industry, and other work opportunities linked to a student's academic program. 
235 ILCS 5/5-1(e) Liquor Control Act of 1934 -- Licenses (e) A special event retailer's license (not-for-profit) shall permit the licensee to purchase alcoholic liquors from an Illinois licensed distributor (unless the licensee purchases less than $500 of alcoholic liquors for the special event, in which case the licensee may purchase the alcoholic liquors from a licensed retailer) and shall allow the licensee to sell and offer for sale, at retail, alcoholic liquors for use or consumption, but not for resale in any form and only at the location and on the specific dates designated for the special event in the license.   
    An applicant for a special event retailer license must (i) furnish with the application: (A) a resale number issued under Section 2c of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act or evidence that the applicant is registered under Section 2a of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, (B) a current, valid exemption identification number issued under Section 1g of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, and a certification to the Commission that the purchase of alcoholic liquors will be a tax‑exempt purchase, or (C) a statement that the applicant is not registered under Section 2a of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, does not hold a resale number under Section 2c of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, and does not hold an exemption number under Section 1g of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, in which event the Commission shall set forth on the special event retailer's license a statement to that effect; 
    (ii) submit with the application proof satisfactory to the State Commission that the applicant will provide dram shop liability insurance in the maximum limits; and (iii) show proof satisfactory to the State Commission that the applicant has obtained local authority approval.
110 ILCS 975/2 Nursing Education Scholarship Law Legislative finding and declaration of policy. The General Assembly finds and hereby declares that the provision of a higher education leading to an associate degree in nursing, an associate degree in applied sciences in nursing, a hospital-based diploma in nursing, a baccalaureate degree in nursing, a graduate degree in nursing, or a certificate in practical nursing for persons of this State who desire such an education is important to the health, welfare and security of this State and Nation, and consequently is an important public purpose. Many qualified and potential nurses are deterred by financial considerations from pursuing their nursing education, with consequent irreparable loss to the State and Nation of talents vital to health, welfare and security. 
    A system of scholarships, repayment of which may be excused if the individual is employed as a registered professional nurse or a licensed practical nurse after obtaining an associate degree in nursing, associate degree in applied sciences in nursing, hospital‑based diploma in nursing, baccalaureate degree in nursing, graduate degree in nursing, or certificate in practical nursing, will enable such individuals to attend approved institutions of their choice in the State, public or private. 
815 ILCS 530/12 Personal Information Protection Act Notice of breach; State agency.
    (a) Any State agency that collects personal information concerning an Illinois resident shall notify the resident at no charge that there has been a breach of the security of the system data or written material following discovery or notification of the breach. The disclosure notification shall be made in the most expedient time possible and without unreasonable delay, consistent with any measures necessary to determine the scope of the breach and restore the reasonable integrity, security, and confidentiality of the data system.
    (b) For purposes of this Section, notice to residents may be provided by one of the following methods: 
    (1) written notice; 
    (2) electronic notice, if the notice provided is consistent with the provisions regarding electronic records and signatures for notices legally required to be in writing as set forth in Section 7001 of Title 15 of the United States Code; or 
    (3) substitute notice, if the State agency demonstrates that the cost of providing notice would exceed $250,000 or that the affected class of subject persons to be notified exceeds 500,000, or the State agency does not have sufficient contact information. Substitute notice shall consist of all of the following: (i) email notice if the State agency has an email address for the subject persons; (ii) conspicuous posting of the notice on the State agency's web site page if the State agency maintains one; and (iii) notification to major statewide media. 
815 ILCS 530/25 Personal Information Protection Act Annual reporting. Any State agency that collects personal data and has had a breach of security of the system data or written material shall submit a report within 5 business days of the discovery or notification of the breach to the General Assembly listing the breaches and outlining any corrective measures that have been taken to prevent future breaches of the security of the system data or written material. Any State agency that has submitted a report under this Section shall submit an annual report listing all breaches of security of the system data or written materials and the corrective measures that have been taken to prevent future breaches. 
110 ILCS 75/1 Televised University
Athletics Act
The governing board or administration of each State-supported university conducting or sponsoring intercollegiate athletic games or contests for which an admission is charged may advertise for bids for the televising of each such game or contest that is not the subject of a contract for exclusive showing on a national television network and may contract for the televising of each such game or contest with the television station or network making the highest and best offer for the television rights for each such game or contest, whether by negotiation or sealed bid. 
110 ILCS 110/1 University Religious
Observances Act

A public institution of higher education shall adopt a policy which reasonably accommodates the religious observance of individual students in regard to admissions, class attendance, and the scheduling of examinations and work requirements. This policy shall include a grievance procedure by which a student who believes that he or she has been unreasonably denied an educational benefit due to his or her religious belief or practices may seek redress. Such policy shall be made known to faculty and students annually by inclusion in the institution's handbook, manual or other similar document regularly provided to faculty and students.

    For the purposes of this Section (a) "public institution of higher education" means the University of Illinois, Southern Illinois University, Chicago State University, Eastern Illinois University, Governors State University, Illinois State University, Northeastern Illinois University, Northern Illinois University, Western Illinois University, the public community colleges of the State and any other public universities, colleges and community colleges now or hereafter established or authorized by the General Assembly; and (b) "religious observance" or "religious practice" includes all aspects of religious observance and practice, as well as belief. 

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General Counsel/FOIA Officer
Austin Hill

Eastern Illinois University
Blair Hall - Room 2102
600 Lincoln Avenue Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-7264

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