Camper forms
All campers are required by EMC policy (and law) to return six documents during check-in
on July 14. Please fully complete each form and print one-sided. Please do not mail
forms - bring them already completed to registration!
a. Medical Treatment Form. Please fill this out as completely and accurately as possible. If your camper has
a severe or profound medical condition, it is important that we have as much information
as possible to ensure their proper care and safety. If you indicated a severe condition
on your registration form, you will hear from Assistant Director Jennifer Brown prior
to camp.
b. Over-the-Counter Authorization. This form is mandatory and allows EMC staff to treat campers with appropriate over-the-counter
medications for minor concerns such as headaches, upset stomach, etc. This form is
on the same page as the Emergency Care Authorization.
c. Emergency Care Authorization. This form is mandatory and allows EMC staff to pursue treatment for any camper with
a sudden, serious medical concern. Please ensure that your camper has an insurance
card (or photocopy) with them as they check in. This form is on the same page as the
Over-the-Counter Authorization.
d. Audio/Visual Consent Form. This form is not mandatory, but is strongly encouraged. EMC respects the privacy
of every camper and will not post or otherwise distribute embarrassing or potentially
harmful photos of our campers. If you choose not to sign this consent, please note
that your camper will not appear in our official group camp photos and will be given
an alternate supervised activity during the Tuesday photo shoot for each camp ensemble.
e. Waiver of Liability. This form is mandatory and is issued to protect EMC and Eastern Illinois University
Staff from legal action.
f. Behavior Agreement. This form is mandatory and requires a student signature, as well as an adult signature.
No form of bullying or harassment is acceptable at EMC, and will result in dismissal
from camp.