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EIU Department of Teaching, Learning, & Foundations

Study Abroad, toronto

Find the world within this city and in your own placement classroom as you participate in one of the great school systems of North America. Your professional skills will be applied with children and youth — from Asia, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, South America, and aboriginal nations, speaking dozens of primary languages.

EIU courses are supported by exciting tours and workshops customized for EIU by the Faculty of Education at York University. Curriculum emphasis will be equity, ESL, ELL, multilingual approaches to literacy, especially drama, religious accommodations, and school within community. Weekend excursions include Niagara Falls and Blue Jays baseball. The diversity and beauty of Toronto’s urban culture are yours to explore.

Date of Trip — May 7-17, 2012
Cost — $2,110. This includes airfare, airport taxis, TTC passes (local transportation), housing (New College residences, University of Toronto), three group meals, excursions, all workshops, tours, and school placements sponsored by York University. EIU tuition is additional.
Credit Available — Students may register for a minimum of one credit hour and a maximum of four credit hours.

Courses Offered

Course Number Course Name Credit Hours
EDF 2555 Diversity of Schools and Societies 3 Credits
ELE 3350 Language Arts in the Elementary School, Block 1 2 Credits*
STG 4000 Multicultural/Disability Practicum 1 Credit*
EIU 4105G Senior Seminar - Controversial Issues in Education 3 Credits#
EIU 4107G Senior Seminar - The Idea of a University: Yesterday and Today 3 Credits
ELE 4741 Independent Study 1-3 Credits*
SED 4741 Independent Study 1-3 Credits*
ELE 5990 Independent Study 1-3 Credits*
* — Must be admitted to teacher education program and have a passing score on the Basic Skills test.
# — Not open to teacher education majors.

Toronto Links


Faculty Directors

Dr. Daniel Carter

Judith Barford

Dr. Rose Gong, Secondary Education


Official Applications and Registration

To apply for the Toronto program, click here.

Deadline for application/registration is Feb. 4, 2012. Hard copies of the study abroad forms must be delivered to the Office of Study Abroad (Blair Hall 1207) by Feb. 4, 2012.

Scholarships and Financial Aid

  • EIU Study Abroad Scholarships
    • If you apply before the end of the Fall 2011 semester, you will have an advantage in attaining funds for 2012 study abroad.
    • For 2010, department travelers were awarded three study abroad scholarships — totaling $4500 — for the Bahamas and Toronto.
  • Department of EC/ELE/MLE Scholarships
    • May be applied toward the Toronto, Bahamas, and El Paso trip expenses.
  • If you receive financial aid and are interested in study abroad, contact Jenny Stout in the Office of Financial Aid.

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Contact Information

Department of Teaching, Learning and Foundations

Buzzard Hall
1920 9th Street
Charleston, IL 61920

Ngozi Onuora, Department Chair

(217) 581-7883

Jeff Duck, Advisor

(217) 581-7895

Julie Viertel, Advisor

(217) 581-7893

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