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Why does Banner INB no longer work in Google Chrome?

Google has released a new update to their popular browser Google Chrome. Google Chrome version 42 and newer releases will disable the Java plugin by default. Banner INB and other plugin-based web applications that require Java will not be able to run. When attempting to reach such applications, you may see a gray box with a puzzle piece that says, "This plugin is not supported."

Through an EIU configuration, Google Chrome may continue to work with Banner INB for some time. It is recommended, for full compatibility, to use a different web browser such as Internet Explorer, Safari or Firefox.

To change the newly introduced default behavior, Chrome can be started with plugins enabled by including the --enable-NPAPI parameter on Chrome's shortcut. Another workaround is to use the Enable-NPAPI flag on Chrome by visiting chrome://flags/#enable-npapi in the browser and clicking the corresponding 'Enable' link. These workarounds, however, will no longer work after September 2015 and the simplest solution is to use a different browser to access plugin-based web applications.

You may see this Chromium documentation page for more information.