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PantherTech Support

Official University Emails

Sent: 2009-12-02
From: Student Government
To: Students

Subject: EIU Student Government Constitution - Proposed Changes

Dear Students,

Last month, the Student Senate unanimously voted to place several amendments to the Student Body Constitution on the ballot for our regular fall election. These amendments make many changes in the way that your Student Government functions and eligibility for positions, as well as several other minor changes. If two-thirds (2/3) of the students voting in the election vote "yes", then these changes will be ratified and will go into effect for the 2010-2011 Academic Year. Details on these amendments can be found at:

Any student can vote in the elections on December 7 and 8, between the hours of 9 am and 5 pm in Coleman Hall. Students must show a valid Panthercard to vote. Also up for election are the Student Vice President for Business Affairs position and 22 Student Senate seats.

Student Government